Source code for pdb2pqr.quatfit

"""Quatfit routines for PDB2PQR

This module is used to find the coordinates of a new atom based on a reference
set of coordinates and a definition set of coordinates.

Original Code by David J. Heisterberg, The Ohio Supercomputer Center,
1224 Kinnear Rd., Columbus, OH  43212-1163, (614)292-6036,,
djh@ohstpy.bitnet, ohstpy::djh

Translated to C from fitest.f program and interfaced with Xmol program by
Jan Labanowski,, jkl@ohstpy.bitnet, ohstpy::jkl

.. todo::
   There are many unnecessary parameters in this module due to FORTRAN/C
   assumptions about how the code should behave.

.. codeauthor:: David Heisterberg
.. codeauthor:: Jan Labanowski
.. codeauthor:: Jens Erik Nielsen
.. codeauthor:: Todd Dolinsky

import math

from .utilities import normalize

[docs] def find_coordinates(numpoints, refcoords, defcoords, defatomcoords): """Driver for the quaternion file. Provide the coordinates as inputs and obtain the coordinates for the new atom as output. :param numpoints: the number of points in each list :type numpoints: int :param refcoords: the reference coordinates, a list of lists of form [x,y,z] :type refcoords: [[float, float, float]] :param defcoords: the definition coordinates, a list of lists of form [x,y,z] :type defcoords: [[float, float, float]] :param defatomcoords: the definition coordinates for the atom to be placed in the reference frame :type defatomcoords: [[float, float, float]] :return: the coordinates of the new atom in the reference frame :rtype: [[float, float, float]] """ refcenter, fitcenter, rotation = qfit(numpoints, refcoords, defcoords) newcoords = qtransform(1, defatomcoords, refcenter, fitcenter, rotation) # Only return the first coordinates return newcoords[0]
[docs] def qtransform(numpoints, defcoords, refcenter, fitcenter, rotation): """Transform coordinates using the reference. Transform the set of defcoords using the reference center, the fit center, and a rotation matrix. :param numpoints: the number of points in each list :type numpoints: int :param defcoords: set of coordinates to be transformed using the reference center and a rotation matrix :type defcoords: [[float, float, float]] :param refcenter: the reference center :type refcenter: [[float, float, float]] :param fitcenter: the definition center :type fitcenter: [float, float, float] :param rotation: the rotation matrix :type rotation: [[float, float, float]] :return: the coordinates of the new point :rtype: [[float, float, float]] """ if numpoints == 1: defcoords = [defcoords] fitcoords = translate(numpoints, defcoords, fitcenter, 1) rotated = rotmol(numpoints, fitcoords, rotation) return translate(numpoints, rotated, refcenter, 2)
[docs] def qfit(numpoints, refcoords, defcoords): """Method for getting new atom coordinates from sets of reference and definition coordinates. .. todo:: Remove hard-coded parameters of function. :param numpoints: the number of points in each list :type numpoints: int :param refcoords: list of reference coordinates :type refcoords: [[float, float, float]] :param defcoords: list of definition coordinates :type defcoords: [[float, float, float]] :return: (reference center, definition center, left rotation matrix) :rtype: ([[float, float, float]], [[float, float, float]], [[float, float, float]]) """ nrot = 30 refcenter, refcoords = center(numpoints, refcoords) defcenter, defcoords = center(numpoints, defcoords) _, lrot = qtrfit(numpoints, defcoords, refcoords, nrot) rotated = rotmol(numpoints, defcoords, lrot) _ = translate(numpoints, rotated, refcenter, 2) return refcenter, defcenter, lrot
[docs] def qchichange(initcoords, refcoords, angle): """Change the chiangle of the reference coordinate. Change the chiangle of the reference coordinate using the initcoords and the given angle. :param initcoords: coordinates based on the point and basis atoms (one-dimensional list) :type initcoords: [[float, float, float]] :param difchi: the angle to use :type difchi: float :param refcoords: the atoms to analyze (list of many coordinates) :type refcoords: [[float, float, float]] :return: the new coordinates of the atoms :rtype: [[float, float, float]] """ # Initialize left = [] right = [] for _ in range(3): left.append(0.0) right.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # Convert to radians and normalize radangle = math.pi * angle / 180.0 normalized = normalize(initcoords) left[0] = normalized[0] left[1] = normalized[1] left[2] = normalized[2] # Construct the rotation matrix right[0][0] = math.cos(radangle) + left[0] * left[0] * ( 1.0 - math.cos(radangle) ) right[1][1] = math.cos(radangle) + left[1] * left[1] * ( 1.0 - math.cos(radangle) ) right[2][2] = math.cos(radangle) + left[2] * left[2] * ( 1.0 - math.cos(radangle) ) right[1][0] = left[0] * left[1] * (1.0 - math.cos(radangle)) - left[ 2 ] * math.sin(radangle) right[2][0] = left[0] * left[2] * (1.0 - math.cos(radangle)) + left[ 1 ] * math.sin(radangle) right[0][1] = left[1] * left[0] * (1.0 - math.cos(radangle)) + left[ 2 ] * math.sin(radangle) right[2][1] = left[1] * left[2] * (1.0 - math.cos(radangle)) - left[ 0 ] * math.sin(radangle) right[0][2] = left[2] * left[0] * (1.0 - math.cos(radangle)) - left[ 1 ] * math.sin(radangle) right[1][2] = left[2] * left[1] * (1.0 - math.cos(radangle)) + left[ 0 ] * math.sin(radangle) numpoints = len(refcoords) return rotmol(numpoints, refcoords, right)
[docs] def rotmol(numpoints, coor, lrot): """Rotate a molecule :param numpoints: the number of points in the list :type numpoints: int :param coor: the input coordinates :type coor: [[float, float, float]] :param lrot: the left rotation matrix :type lrot: [[float, float, float]] :return: the rotated coordinates :rtype: [[float, float, float]] """ out = [] for i in range(numpoints): out.append([]) out[i].append( lrot[0][0] * coor[i][0] + lrot[1][0] * coor[i][1] + lrot[2][0] * coor[i][2] ) out[i].append( lrot[0][1] * coor[i][0] + lrot[1][1] * coor[i][1] + lrot[2][1] * coor[i][2] ) out[i].append( lrot[0][2] * coor[i][0] + lrot[1][2] * coor[i][1] + lrot[2][2] * coor[i][2] ) return out
[docs] def qtrfit(numpoints, defcoords, refcoords, nrot): """Find the best-fit quaternion. Find the quaternion, q, [and left rotation matrix, u] that minimizes .. math:: | qTXq - Y | ^ 2 [|uX - Y| ^ 2] This is equivalent to maximizing .. math:: Re(q^T X^T q Y) The left rotation matrix, u, is obtained from q by .. math:: u = qT1q :param numpoints: the number of points in each list :type numpoints: int :param defcoords: list of definition coordinates, with each set a list of form [x,y,z] :type defcoords: [[float, float, float]] :param refcoords: list of fitted coordinates, with each set a list of form [x,y,z] :type refcoords: [[float, float, float]] :param nrot: the maximum number of Jacobi sweeps :type nrot: int :return: (the best-fit quaternion, the best-fit left rotation matrix) """ xxyx = 0.0 xxyy = 0.0 xxyz = 0.0 xyyx = 0.0 xyyy = 0.0 xyyz = 0.0 xzyx = 0.0 xzyy = 0.0 xzyz = 0.0 cmat = [] for i in range(numpoints): xxyx += defcoords[i][0] * refcoords[i][0] xxyy += defcoords[i][0] * refcoords[i][1] xxyz += defcoords[i][0] * refcoords[i][2] xyyx += defcoords[i][1] * refcoords[i][0] xyyy += defcoords[i][1] * refcoords[i][1] xyyz += defcoords[i][1] * refcoords[i][2] xzyx += defcoords[i][2] * refcoords[i][0] xzyy += defcoords[i][2] * refcoords[i][1] xzyz += defcoords[i][2] * refcoords[i][2] for i in range(4): cmat.append([]) for _ in range(4): cmat[i].append(0.0) cmat[0][0] = xxyx + xyyy + xzyz cmat[0][1] = xzyy - xyyz cmat[0][2] = xxyz - xzyx cmat[0][3] = xyyx - xxyy cmat[1][1] = xxyx - xyyy - xzyz cmat[1][2] = xxyy + xyyx cmat[1][3] = xzyx + xxyz cmat[2][2] = xyyy - xzyz - xxyx cmat[2][3] = xyyz + xzyy cmat[3][3] = xzyz - xxyx - xyyy _, vmat = jacobi(cmat, nrot) # diagonalize c quat = [vmat[i][3] for i in range(4)] lrot = q2mat(quat) return quat, lrot
[docs] def jacobi(amat, nrot): """Jacobi diagonalizer with sorted output, only good for 4x4 matrices. :param amat: Matrix to diagonalize :type ama: [[float, float, float, float]] :param nrot: maximum number of sweeps :type nrot: int :return: (eigenvalues, eigenvectors) """ vmat = [] dvec = [] the_lrot = 0 for j in range(4): dvec.append(0) vmat.append([]) for _ in range(4): vmat[j].append(0.0) vmat[j][j] = 1.0 dvec[j] = amat[j][j] for lrot in range(nrot): dnorm = 0.0 onorm = 0.0 for j in range(4): dnorm += abs(dvec[j]) for i in range(j): onorm += abs(amat[i][j]) if dnorm != 0 and onorm / dnorm <= 1e-12: the_lrot = lrot break for j in range(1, 4): for i in range(j): bscl = amat[i][j] if abs(bscl) > 0.0: dma = dvec[j] - dvec[i] if abs(dma) + abs(bscl) <= abs(dma): tscl = bscl / dma else: qscl = 0.5 * dma / bscl tscl = 1.0 / (abs(qscl) + math.sqrt(1 + qscl * qscl)) if qscl < 0: tscl = tscl * -1 cscl = 1.0 / math.sqrt(tscl * tscl + 1) sscl = tscl * cscl amat[i][j] = 0.0 for k in range(i): atemp = cscl * amat[k][i] - sscl * amat[k][j] amat[k][j] = sscl * amat[k][i] + cscl * amat[k][j] amat[k][i] = atemp for k in range(i + 1, j): atemp = cscl * amat[i][k] - sscl * amat[k][j] amat[k][j] = sscl * amat[i][k] + cscl * amat[k][j] amat[i][k] = atemp for k in range(j + 1, 4): atemp = cscl * amat[i][k] - sscl * amat[j][k] amat[j][k] = sscl * amat[i][k] + cscl * amat[j][k] amat[i][k] = atemp for k in range(4): vtemp = cscl * vmat[k][i] - sscl * vmat[k][j] vmat[k][j] = sscl * vmat[k][i] + cscl * vmat[k][j] vmat[k][i] = vtemp dtemp = ( cscl * cscl * dvec[i] + sscl * sscl * dvec[j] - 2.0 * cscl * sscl * bscl ) dvec[j] = ( sscl * sscl * dvec[i] + cscl * cscl * dvec[j] + 2.0 * cscl * sscl * bscl ) dvec[i] = dtemp nrot = the_lrot for j in range(3): k = j dtemp = dvec[k] for i in range(j + 1, 4): if dvec[i] < dtemp: k = i dtemp = dvec[k] if k > j: dvec[k] = dvec[j] dvec[j] = dtemp for i in range(4): dtemp = vmat[i][k] vmat[i][k] = vmat[i][j] vmat[i][j] = dtemp return dvec, vmat
[docs] def q2mat(quat): """Generate a left rotation matrix from a normalized quaternion :param quat: the normalized quaternion :type quat: [[float, float, float, float]] :return: the rotation matrix """ urot = [] for i in range(3): urot.append([]) for _ in range(3): urot[i].append(0.0) urot[0][0] = ( quat[0] * quat[0] + quat[1] * quat[1] - quat[2] * quat[2] - quat[3] * quat[3] ) urot[0][1] = 2.0 * (quat[1] * quat[2] - quat[0] * quat[3]) urot[0][2] = 2.0 * (quat[1] * quat[3] + quat[0] * quat[2]) urot[1][0] = 2.0 * (quat[2] * quat[1] + quat[0] * quat[3]) urot[1][1] = ( quat[0] * quat[0] - quat[1] * quat[1] + quat[2] * quat[2] - quat[3] * quat[3] ) urot[1][2] = 2.0 * (quat[2] * quat[3] - quat[0] * quat[1]) urot[2][0] = 2.0 * (quat[3] * quat[1] - quat[0] * quat[2]) urot[2][1] = 2.0 * (quat[3] * quat[2] + quat[0] * quat[1]) urot[2][2] = ( quat[0] * quat[0] - quat[1] * quat[1] - quat[2] * quat[2] + quat[3] * quat[3] ) return urot
[docs] def center(numpoints, refcoords): """Center a molecule using equally weighted points. :param numpoints: number of points :type numpoints: int :param refcoords: list of reference coordinates, with each set a list of form [x,y,z] :type refcoords: [[float, float, float]] :return: (center of the set of points, moved refcoords relative to refcenter) """ relcoords = [] refcenter = [0.0 for _ in range(3)] for i in range(numpoints): refcenter[0] += refcoords[i][0] refcenter[1] += refcoords[i][1] refcenter[2] += refcoords[i][2] for i in range(3): refcenter[i] = refcenter[i] / numpoints for i in range(numpoints): relcoords.append([]) relcoords[i].append(refcoords[i][0] - refcenter[0]) relcoords[i].append(refcoords[i][1] - refcenter[1]) relcoords[i].append(refcoords[i][2] - refcenter[2]) return refcenter, relcoords
[docs] def translate(numpoints, refcoords, center_, mode): """Translate a molecule using equally weighted points. :param numpoints: number of points :type numpoints: int :param refcoords: list of reference coordinates, with each set a list of form [x,y,z] :type: list :param center: center of the system :type center: [float, float, float] :param mode: if 1, center will be subtracted from refcoords; if 2, center will be added to refcoords :return: moved refcoords relative to refcenter :rtype: [[float, float, float]] """ relcoords = [] modif = 0 if mode == 1: modif = -1 elif mode == 2: modif = 1 for i in range(numpoints): relcoords.append([]) relcoords[i].append(refcoords[i][0] + modif * center_[0]) relcoords[i].append(refcoords[i][1] + modif * center_[1]) relcoords[i].append(refcoords[i][2] + modif * center_[2]) return relcoords