"""Routines for running the code with a given set of options and PDB files."""
import logging
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def run_pdb2pka(ph, force_field, pdb_list, ligand, pdb2pka_params):
"""Run PDB2PKA"""
# TODO - we are not ready to deal with PDB2PKA yet
raise NotImplementedError("TODO - fix and re-enable PDB2PKA")
# if force_field.lower() != 'parse':
# PDB2PKAError('PDB2PKA can only be run with the PARSE force field.')
# _LOGGER.info(f"Running PDB2PKA and applying at pH {ph:.2f}... ")
# init_params = pdb2pka_params.copy()
# init_params.pop('pairene')
# init_params.pop('clean_output')
# results = pka.pre_init(
# original_pdb_list=pdb_list, ff=force_field, ligand=ligand,
# **init_params)
# TODO - this is a messed-up variable unpacking:
# output_dir, biomolecule, routines, forcefield, apbs_setup, \
# ligand_titratable_groups, maps, sd = results
# mypkaRoutines = pka_routines.pKaRoutines(
# biomolecule, routines, forcefield, apbs_setup, output_dir, maps, sd,
# restart=pdb2pka_params.get('clean_output'),
# pairene=pdb2pka_params.get('pairene'))
# _LOGGER.info('Doing full pKa calculation')
# mypkaRoutines.runpKa()
# pdb2pka_warnings = mypkaRoutines.warnings[:]
# _LOGGER.warning(pdb2pka_warnings)
# residue_ph = {}
# for pka_residue_tuple, calc_ph in mypkaRoutines.ph_at_0_5.items():
# tit_type, chain_id, number_str = pka_residue_tuple
# if tit_type == 'NTR':
# tit_type = 'N+'
# elif tit_type == 'CTR':
# tit_type = 'C-'
# key = ' '.join([tit_type, number_str, chain_id])
# residue_ph[key] = calc_ph
# pformat(residue_ph)
# biomolecule.apply_pka_values(ff, ph, residue_ph)
# _LOGGER.debug('Finished running PDB2PKA.')
def run_pdb2pqr(pdblist, my_biomolecule, my_definition, options, is_cif):
"""Run the PDB2PQR Suite"""
raise DeprecationWarning("TODO - This function is deprecated")
# """Run the PDB2PQR Suite
# Args:
# pdblist: The list of objects that was read from the PDB file given
# as input (list)
# my_biomolecule: Biomolecule object
# options: The name of the forcefield (string)
# is_cif: Boolean indicating whether input is CIF
# Returns
# A dictionary with the following elements:
# * header: The PQR file header (string)
# * lines: The PQR file atoms (list)
# * missed_ligands: A list of ligand residue names whose charges
# could not be assigned (ligand)
# * biomolecule: The biomolecule object
# """
# pkaname = ""
# lines = []
# ligand = None
# atomcount = 0
# output_pqr = Path(options.output_pqr)
# outroot = output_pqr.stem
# if options.pka_method == 'propka':
# pkaname = Path(outroot + ".propka")
# if pkaname.is_file():
# _LOGGER.warning(f"PROPKA file already exists: {pkaname}")
# start = time.time()
# ligsuccess = 0
# if options.ligand is not None:
# # If this is independent, we can assign charges and radii here
# for residue in my_biomolecule.residues:
# if isinstance(residue, aa.LIG):
# templist = []
# ligand.make_up2date(residue)
# for atom in residue.atoms:
# atom.ffcharge = ligand.ligand_props[atom.name]["charge"]
# atom.radius = ligand.ligand_props[atom.name]["radius"]
# if atom in misslist:
# misslist.pop(misslist.index(atom))
# templist.append(atom)
# charge = residue.charge
# if abs(charge - int(charge)) > 0.001:
# # Ligand parameterization failed
# _LOGGER.warning(
# "WARNING: PDB2PQR could not successfully "
# "parameterize the desired ligand; it has "
# "been left out of the PQR file.")
# # remove the ligand
# my_biomolecule.residues.remove(residue)
# for my_chain in my_biomolecule.chains:
# if residue in my_chain.residues:
# my_chain.residues.remove(residue)
# else:
# ligsuccess = 1
# # Mark these atoms as hits
# hitlist = hitlist + templist
# # Temporary fix; if ligand was successful, pull all ligands from
# # misslist
# if ligsuccess:
# templist = misslist[:]
# for atom in templist:
# if isinstance(atom.residue, (aa.Amino, na.Nucleic)):
# continue
# misslist.remove(atom)
# # Determine if any of the atoms in misslist were ligands
# missedligandresidues = []
# for atom in misslist:
# if isinstance(atom.residue, (aa.Amino, na.Nucleic)):
# continue
# if atom.res_name not in missedligandresidues:
# missedligandresidues.append(atom.res_name)
# _LOGGER.debug(f"Total time taken: {(time.time() - start):.2f} seconds")
# result_dict = {}
# result_dict["header"] = header
# result_dict["lines"] = lines
# result_dict["missed_ligands"] = missedligandresidues
# result_dict["biomolecule"] = my_biomolecule
# return result_dict