Routines for biomolecule optimization.
Code author: Jens Erik Nielsen
Code author: Todd Dolinsky
Code author: Yong Huang
Code author: Nathan Baker
- class pdb2pqr.debump.Debump(biomolecule, definition=None)[source]
Grab bag of random stuff that apparently didn’t fit elsewhere.
This class needs to be susbtantially refactored in to multiple classes with clear responsibilities.
- __init__(biomolecule, definition=None)[source]
Initialize the Debump object.
- Parameters:
biomolecule (Biomolecule) – the biomolecule to debump
definition (Definition) – topology definition file
- debump_biomolecule()[source]
Minimize bump score for molecule.
Make sure that none of the added atoms were rebuilt on top of existing atoms. See each called function for more information.
- Raises:
ValueError – if missing (backbone) atoms are encountered
- debump_residue(residue, conflict_names)[source]
Debump a specific residue.
Only should be called if the residue has been detected to have a conflict. If called, try to rotate about dihedral angles to resolve the conflict.
- find_nearby_atoms(atom)[source]
Find nearby atoms for conflict-checking.
Uses neighboring cells to compare atoms rather than an all versus all O(n^2) algorithm, which saves a great deal of time. There are several instances where we ignore potential conflicts; these include donor/acceptor pairs, atoms in the same residue, and bonded CYS bridges.
- find_residue_conflicts(residue, *, write_conflict_info=False)[source]
Find conflicts between residues.
- get_bump_score_atom(atom)[source]
Find nearby atoms for conflict-checking.
Uses neighboring cells to compare atoms rather than an all versus all O(n^2) algorithm, which saves a great deal of time. There are several instances where we ignore potential conflicts; these include donor/acceptor pairs, atoms in the same residue, and bonded CYS bridges.
- get_closest_atom(atom)[source]
Get the closest atom that does not form a donor/acceptor pair.
Used to detect potential conflicts.
Cells must be set before using this function.