Source code for pdb2pqr.hydrogens

"""Hydrogen optimization module for PDB2PQR.

This is an module for hydrogen optimization routines.

.. todo::
    This module has too many lines and should be simplified.

.. codeauthor:: Todd Dolinsky
.. codeauthor:: Jens Erik Nielsen
.. codeauthor:: Yong Huang
.. codeauthor:: Nathan Baker
__author__ = "Todd Dolinsky, Jens Erik Nielsen, Yong Huang, Nathan Baker"
import logging
from xml import sax
from .. import io
from .. import aa
from .. import cells
from .. import definitions as defns
from .. import utilities as util
from .. import quatfit as quat
from ..config import HYD_DEF_PATH
from . import structures
from .structures import HydrogenConformation, HydrogenDefinition
from .structures import HydrogenHandler, PotentialBond

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "ASH1c": "1",
    "ASH1t": "2",
    "ASH2c": "3",
    "ASH2t": "4",
    "ASP": "0",
    "GLH1c": "1",
    "GLH1t": "2",
    "GLH2c": "3",
    "GLH2t": "4",
    "GLU": "0",
    "ARG0": "1+2+3+4",
    "ARG": "1+2+3+4+5",
    "LYS": "1",
    "LYS0": "0",
    "TYR": "1",
    "TYR-": "0",
    "HSD": "1",
    "HSE": "2",
    "HSP": "1+2",
    "H3": "1",
    "H2": "2",
    "H3+H2": "1+2",
    "CTR01c": "1",
    "CTR01t": "2",
    "CTR02c": "3",
    "CTR02t": "4",
    "CTR-": "0",

[docs]def create_handler(hyd_path=HYD_DEF_PATH): """Create and populate a hydrogen handler. :param hyd_def_file: path to hydrogen definition file :type hyd_def_file: string or pathlib.Path object :return: HydrogenHandler object :rtype: HydrogenHandler """ handler = HydrogenHandler() hyd_path = io.test_dat_file(hyd_path) with open(hyd_path, "rt") as hyd_file: sax.make_parser() sax.parseString(, handler) return handler
[docs]class HydrogenRoutines: """The main routines for hydrogen optimization. .. todo:: This class really needs to be refactored. """
[docs] def __init__(self, debumper, handler): """Initialize object. :param debumper: Debump object :type debumper: debump.Debump :param handler: HydrogenHandler object :type handler: HydrogenHandler """ self.debumper = debumper self.biomolecule = debumper.biomolecule self.optlist = [] self.atomlist = [] self.resmap = {} self.hydrodefs = [] =
[docs] def switchstate(self, states, amb, state_id): """Switch a residue to a new state by first removing all hydrogens. :param states: the list of states :type states: list :param amb: the amibiguity to switch :type amb: tup :param state_id: the state id to switch to :type state_id: int """ if states == "pKa": return self.pka_switchstate(amb, state_id) if state_id > len(states): raise IndexError("Invalid State ID!") # First Remove all Hs residue = getattr(amb, "residue") hdef = getattr(amb, "hdef") for conf in hdef.conformations: hname = conf.hname boundname = conf.boundatom if residue.get_atom(hname) is not None: _LOGGER.debug( f"Removing {} {residue.res_seq} {hname}" ) residue.remove_atom(hname) residue.get_atom(boundname).hacceptor = 1 residue.get_atom(boundname).hdonor = 0 # Update the IntraBonds name = defresidue = self.debumper.aadef.get_residue(name) residue.updateIntraBonds(defresidue) # Now build appropriate atoms state = states[state_id] for conf in state: _LOGGER.debug(conf) refcoords = [] defcoords = [] defatomcoords = [] if conf == (): continue # Nothing to add hname = conf.hname for atom in conf.atoms: # print confatoms atomname = resatom = residue.get_atom(atomname) if atomname == hname: defatomcoords = atom.coords elif resatom is not None: refcoords.append(resatom.coords) defcoords.append(atom.coords) else: raise KeyError("Could not find necessary atom!") newcoords = quat.find_coordinates( 3, refcoords, defcoords, defatomcoords ) boundname = conf.boundatom residue.create_atom(hname, newcoords, "ATOM") residue.addDebumpAtom(residue.get_atom(hname)) residue.get_atom(boundname).addIntraBond(hname) residue.get_atom(boundname).hacceptor = 0 residue.get_atom(boundname).hdonor = 1 # Setting the SybylType for the newly built H residue.get_atom(hname).sybyl_type = "H" # formal charge for PEOE_PB residue.get_atom(hname).formalcharge = 0.0 # flag the added hydrogen residue.get_atom(hname).titratableH = True residue.get_atom(hname).addIntraBond(boundname)
[docs] @classmethod def pka_switchstate(cls, amb, state_id_): """Switch a residue to a new state by first removing all hydrogens. This routine is used in pKa calculations only! :param amb: the amibiguity to switch :type amb: tup :param state_id_: the state id to switch to :type state_id_: int """ titrationdict = TITRATION_DICT state_id = titrationdict[state_id_] state_id = state_id.split("+") new_state_id = [int(i) for i in state_id] residue = getattr(amb, "residue") hdef = getattr(amb, "hdef") for conf in hdef.conformations: hname = conf.hname boundname = conf.boundatom if residue.get_atom(hname) is not None: residue.remove_atom(hname) residue.get_atom(boundname).hacceptor = 1 residue.get_atom(boundname).hdonor = 0 # Update the IntraBonds for state_id in new_state_id: if state_id == 0: continue conf = hdef.conformations[state_id - 1] refcoords = [] defcoords = [] defatomcoords = [] if conf == (): continue hname = conf.hname for atom in conf.atoms: if ( residue.is_n_term and == "PRO" and == "H" ): = "CD" atom.x = 1.874 atom.y = 0.862 atom.z = 1.306 if not residue.rebuild_tetrahedral(hname): for atom in conf.atoms: atomname = resatom = residue.get_atom(atomname) if atomname == hname: defatomcoords = atom.coords elif resatom is not None: refcoords.append(resatom.coords) defcoords.append(atom.coords) else: raise KeyError("Could not find necessary atom!") newcoords = quat.find_coordinates( 3, refcoords, defcoords, defatomcoords ) residue.create_atom(hname, newcoords) boundname = conf.boundatom residue.get_atom(boundname).hacceptor = 0 residue.get_atom(boundname).hdonor = 1 # Setting the SybylType for the newly built H residue.get_atom(hname).sybyl_type = "H" # formal charge for PEOE_PB residue.get_atom(hname).formalcharge = 0.0 # flag the added hydrogen residue.get_atom(hname).titratableH = True # Update intrabonds again if residue.is_n_term and == "PRO": for atom in residue.atoms: if == "H": residue.remove_atom("H") residue.update_terminus_status()
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Delete extra carboxylic atoms. If there are any extra carboxlyic ``*1`` atoms, delete them. This may occur when no optimization is chosen. """ for residue in self.debumper.biomolecule.residues: if not isinstance(residue, aa.Amino): continue if == "GLH" or "GLH" in residue.patches: if residue.has_atom("HE1") and residue.has_atom("HE2"): residue.remove_atom("HE1") elif == "ASH" or "ASH" in residue.patches: if residue.has_atom("HD1") and residue.has_atom("HD2"): residue.remove_atom("HD1")
[docs] def is_optimizeable(self, residue): """Check to see if the given residue is optimizeable. There are three ways to identify a residue: 1. By name (i.e., HIS) 2. By reference name - a PDB file HSP has a HIS reference name 3. By patch - applied by :program:`propka`, terminal selection :param residue: the residue in question :type residue: Residue :return: None if not optimizeable, otherwise the OptimizationHolder instance that corresponds to the residue. :rtype: None or OptimizationHolder """ optinstance = None if not isinstance(residue, (aa.Amino, aa.WAT)): return optinstance if in optinstance =[] elif in optinstance =[] else: for patch in residue.patches: if patch in optinstance =[patch] break # If alcoholic, make sure the hydrogen is present if optinstance is not None and optinstance.opttype == "Alcoholic": atomname = list([0] if not residue.reference.has_atom(atomname): optinstance = None return optinstance
[docs] def set_optimizeable_hydrogens(self): """Set any hydrogen listed in HYDROGENS.xml that is optimizeable. Used BEFORE hydrogen optimization to label atoms so that they won't be debumped - i.e. if SER HG is too close to another atom, don't debump but wait for optimization. .. note:: This function should not be used if full optimization is not taking place. """ for residue in self.biomolecule.residues: optinstance = self.is_optimizeable(residue) if optinstance is None: continue for atom in residue.atoms: if in atom.optimizeable = 1
[docs] def initialize_full_optimization(self): """Initialize the full optimization. Detects all optimizeable donors and acceptors and sets the internal optlist. """ # Do some setup self.debumper.cells = cells.Cells(5) self.debumper.cells.assign_cells(self.biomolecule) self.biomolecule.calculate_dihedral_angles() self.biomolecule.set_donors_acceptors() self.biomolecule.update_internal_bonds() self.biomolecule.set_reference_distance() self.optlist = [] self.atomlist = [] # First initialize the various types for residue in self.biomolecule.residues: optinstance = self.is_optimizeable(residue) if isinstance(residue, aa.Amino): residue.fixed = ( 1 if False in residue.stateboolean.values() else 0 ) if optinstance is None: continue type_ = optinstance.opttype if residue.fixed != 1: klass = getattr(structures, type_) myobj = klass(residue, optinstance, self.debumper) self.atomlist += myobj.atomlist self.optlist.append(myobj) self.resmap[residue] = myobj _LOGGER.debug("Done.")
[docs] def initialize_wat_optimization(self): """Initialize optimization for waters only. Detects all optimizeable donors and acceptors and sets the internal optlist. """"Initializing water bonding optimization...") # Do some setup self.debumper.cells = cells.Cells(5) self.debumper.cells.assign_cells(self.biomolecule) self.biomolecule.calculate_dihedral_angles() self.biomolecule.set_donors_acceptors() self.biomolecule.update_internal_bonds() self.biomolecule.set_reference_distance() self.optlist = [] # First initialize the various types for residue in self.biomolecule.residues: optinstance = self.is_optimizeable(residue) if optinstance is None: continue type_ = optinstance.opttype if type_ == "Water": klass = getattr(structures, type_) myobj = klass(residue, optinstance, self.debumper) self.atomlist += myobj.atomlist self.optlist.append(myobj) self.resmap[residue] = myobj _LOGGER.debug("Done.")
[docs] def optimize_hydrogens(self): """The main driver for the optimization. .. note:: Should be called only after the optlist has been initialized. .. todo:: Remove hard-coded :makevar:`progress` threshold and increment values. .. todo:: This function needs to be simplified. """ _LOGGER.debug("Optimization progress:") optlist = self.optlist connectivity = {} # Initialize the detection progress if len(optlist) == 0: return _LOGGER.debug(" Detecting potential hydrogen bonds") progress = 0.0 increment = 1.0 / len(optlist) for obj in optlist: connectivity[obj] = [] for atom in obj.atomlist: closeatoms = self.debumper.cells.get_near_cells(atom) for closeatom in closeatoms: # Conditions for continuing if atom.residue == closeatom.residue: continue if not (closeatom.hacceptor or closeatom.hdonor): continue if atom.hdonor and not atom.hacceptor: if not closeatom.hacceptor: continue if atom.hacceptor: if not atom.hdonor and not closeatom.hdonor: continue dist = util.distance(atom.coords, closeatom.coords) if dist < 4.3: residue = atom.residue hbond = PotentialBond(atom, closeatom, dist) # Store the potential bond obj.hbonds.append(hbond) # Keep track of connectivity if closeatom in self.atomlist: closeobj = self.resmap[closeatom.residue] if closeobj not in connectivity[obj]: connectivity[obj].append(closeobj) progress += increment while progress >= 0.0499: progress -= 0.05 # Some residues might have no nearby hbonds - if so, place at # default state for obj in optlist: if len(obj.hbonds) == 0: if obj.residue.fixed: continue _LOGGER.debug( f"{obj.residue} has no nearby partners - fixing." ) obj.finalize() # Determine the distinct networks networks = [] seen = [] for obj1 in optlist: if obj1.residue.fixed: continue if obj1 in seen: continue network = util.analyze_connectivity(connectivity, obj1) for obj2 in network: if obj2 not in seen: seen.append(obj2) networks.append(network) # Initialize the output progress if len(networks) > 0: _LOGGER.debug("Optimizing hydrogen bonds") progress = 0.0 increment = 1.0 / len(networks) # Work on the networks for network in networks: txt = "" for obj in network: txt += f"{obj}, " _LOGGER.debug(f"Starting network {txt[:-2]}") # FIRST: Only optimizeable to backbone atoms _LOGGER.debug("* Optimizeable to backbone *") hbondmap = {} for obj in network: for hbond in obj.hbonds: if hbond.atom2 not in self.atomlist: hbondmap[hbond] = hbond.dist hbondlist = util.sort_dict_by_value(hbondmap) hbondlist.reverse() for hbond in hbondlist: atom = hbond.atom1 atom2 = hbond.atom2 obj = self.resmap[atom.residue] if atom.residue.fixed: continue if atom.hdonor: obj.try_donor(atom, atom2) if atom.hacceptor: obj.try_acceptor(atom, atom2) # SECOND: Non-dual water Optimizeable to Optimizeable _LOGGER.debug("* Optimizeable to optimizeable *") hbondmap = {} seenlist = [] for obj in network: for hbond in obj.hbonds: if hbond.atom2 in self.atomlist: if not isinstance(hbond.atom1.residue, aa.WAT): if not isinstance(hbond.atom2.residue, aa.WAT): # Only get one hbond pair if (hbond.atom2, hbond.atom1) not in seenlist: hbondmap[hbond] = hbond.dist seenlist.append((hbond.atom1, hbond.atom2)) hbondlist = util.sort_dict_by_value(hbondmap) hbondlist.reverse() for hbond in hbondlist: atom = hbond.atom1 atom2 = hbond.atom2 obj1 = self.resmap[atom.residue] obj2 = self.resmap[atom2.residue] # Atoms may no longer exist if already optimized if not atom.residue.has_atom( continue if not atom2.residue.has_atom( continue res = 0 if atom.hdonor and atom2.hacceptor: res = obj1.try_both(atom, atom2, obj2) if atom.hacceptor and atom2.hdonor and res == 0: obj2.try_both(atom2, atom, obj1) # THIRD: All water-water residues _LOGGER.debug("* Water to Water *") hbondmap = {} seenlist = [] for obj in network: for hbond in obj.hbonds: residue = hbond.atom1.residue if isinstance(residue, aa.WAT): if isinstance(hbond.atom2.residue, aa.WAT): if (hbond.atom2, hbond.atom1) not in seenlist: hbondmap[hbond] = hbond.dist seenlist.append((hbond.atom1, hbond.atom2)) hbondlist = util.sort_dict_by_value(hbondmap) hbondlist.reverse() for hbond in hbondlist: atom = hbond.atom1 atom2 = hbond.atom2 obj1 = self.resmap[atom.residue] obj2 = self.resmap[atom2.residue] res = 0 if atom.hdonor and atom2.hacceptor: res = obj1.try_both(atom, atom2, obj2) if atom.hacceptor and atom2.hdonor and res == 0: obj2.try_both(atom2, atom, obj1) # FOURTH: Complete all residues for obj in network: obj.complete() # STEP 5: Update progress meter progress += 100.0 * increment while progress >= 5.0: progress -= 5.0
[docs] def parse_hydrogen(self, res, topo): """Parse a list of lines in order to make a hydrogen definition. This is the current definition: ``Name Ttyp A R # Stdconf HT Chi OPTm`` .. todo:: The type of the :makevar:`res` appears to be incorrect. .. todo:: This function is too long and needs to be simplified. :param res: the lines to parse (list) :type res: unknown :param topo: Topology object :type topo: pdb2pqr.topology.Topology :return: the hydrogen definition object :rtype: HydrogenDefinition """ name =[res].name opttype =[res].opttype optangle =[res].optangle map_ =[res].map mydef = HydrogenDefinition(name, opttype, optangle, map_) patch_map = [] atoms = [] refatoms = [] conformernames = [] refmap = {} titrationstatemap = {} tautomermap = {} conformermap = {} atommap = {} ntrmap = {} hmap = {} nonhmap = {} # reference map from TOPOLOGY.xml for res_ in topo.residues: refmap[] = res_.reference for atom in refmap[].atoms: atommap[,] = atom for titrationstate in res_.titration_states: titrationstatemap[] = titrationstate for tautomer in titrationstate.tautomers: tautomermap[] = tautomer for conformer in tautomer.conformers: conformermap[] = conformer if name == "CYS": _ = refmap["CYS"] atoms = ["HG"] refatoms = ["SG", "CB"] elif name == "HIS": _ = refmap["HIS"] atoms = ["HD1", "HE2"] for atom in atoms: refatoms = ["ND1", "CG", "CE1"] elif name == "LYS": _ = self.debumper.biomolecule.reference_map[name] patch_map = self.debumper.biomolecule.patch_map["LYN"] atoms = patch_map.remove refatoms = ["HZ1", "HZ2", "NZ"] elif name == "TYR": _ = self.debumper.biomolecule.reference_map[name] patch_map = self.debumper.biomolecule.patch_map["TYM"] atoms = patch_map.remove refatoms = ["OH", "CZ", "CE2"] elif name == "WAT": _ = self.debumper.biomolecule.reference_map[name] patch_map = self.debumper.biomolecule.patch_map["HOH"] atoms = ["H1", "H2"] refatoms = None elif name == "NTR": ntrmap = {} # map for N-TERM for tautomer in titrationstatemap["NTER"].tautomers: for conformer in tautomermap[].conformers: for conformeradds in conformermap[ ].conformer_adds: for atom in conformeradds.atoms: ntrmap[] = atom atoms = ["H3", "H2"] refatoms = ["CA", "H", "N"] elif name == "CTR": hmap = {} # map for h atoms nonhmap = {} # map for refatoms conformernames = [] for tautomer in titrationstatemap["CTER"].tautomers: for conformer in tautomermap[].conformers: for conformeradds in conformermap[ ].conformer_adds: for atom in conformeradds.atoms: nonhmap[] = atom for tautomer in titrationstatemap["CTER0"].tautomers: for conformer in tautomermap[].conformers: conformernames.append( for conformeradds in conformermap[ ].conformer_adds: for atom in conformeradds.atoms: hmap[,] = atom atoms = ["HO"] refatoms = ["O", "C", "OXT"] elif name in ["SER", "GLN", "THR", "ARG", "ASN"]: _ = refmap[name] if name == "SER": atoms = ["HG"] refatoms = ["OG", "CB"] elif name == "GLN": atoms = ["HE21"] refatoms = ["NE2"] elif name == "THR": atoms = ["HG1"] refatoms = ["OG1", "CB"] elif name == "ARG": atoms = ["HH11", "HH12", "HH21", "HH22", "HE"] for atom in atoms: refatoms = ["NH1", "NH2", "CZ"] elif name == "ASN": atoms = ["HD21"] refatoms = ["ND2"] elif name == "ASH": hmap = {} # map for h atoms nonhmap = {} # map for refatoms conformernames = [] _ = refmap["ASP"] for tautomer in titrationstatemap["ASH"].tautomers: for conformer in tautomermap[].conformers: for conformeradds in conformermap[ ].conformer_adds: for atom in conformeradds.atoms: hmap[,] = atom conformernames.append( atoms = ["HD1", "HD2"] refatoms = ["OD1", "CG", "OD2"] elif name == "GLH": hmap = {} # map for h atoms nonhmap = {} # map for refatoms conformernames = [] _ = refmap["GLU"] for tautomer in titrationstatemap["GLH"].tautomers: for conformer in tautomermap[].conformers: for conformeradds in conformermap[ ].conformer_adds: for atom in conformeradds.atoms: hmap[,] = atom conformernames.append( atoms = ["HE1", "HE2"] refatoms = ["OE1", "CD", "OE2"] else: patch_map = self.debumper.biomolecule.patch_map[name] atoms = list( atoms.sort() if name in ["NTR"]: bondlength = 1.0 for atom in atoms: hname = atom x = ntrmap[hname].x y = ntrmap[hname].y z = ntrmap[hname].z bondatom = ntrmap[hname].bonds[0] myconf = HydrogenConformation(hname, bondatom, bondlength) atom = defns.DefinitionAtom(hname, x, y, z) myconf.add_atom(atom) # TODO - lots of arbitrary undefined numbers in this section for atom_ in refatoms: if atom_ == "N": natom = defns.DefinitionAtom(atom_, 1.201, 0.847, 0.0) myconf.add_atom(natom) elif atom_ == "CA": caatom = defns.DefinitionAtom(atom_, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) myconf.add_atom(caatom) elif atom_ == "H": caatom = defns.DefinitionAtom( atom_, 1.201, 1.847, 0.000 ) myconf.add_atom(caatom) mydef.add_conf(myconf) elif name in ["CTR"]: bondlength = 1.0 for conformer in conformernames: for atom in atoms: hname = atom x = hmap[conformer, hname].x y = hmap[conformer, hname].y z = hmap[conformer, hname].z bondatom = hmap[conformer, hname].bonds[0] myconf = HydrogenConformation(hname, bondatom, bondlength) atom = defns.DefinitionAtom(hname, x, y, z) myconf.add_atom(atom) # TODO - the following code is almost nonsensical for atom_ in refatoms: if atom_ == "C": catom = defns.DefinitionAtom( atom_, -1.250, 0.881, 0.000 ) myconf.add_atom(catom) else: atomname = atom_ x = nonhmap[atom_].x y = nonhmap[atom_].y z = nonhmap[atom_].z atom2 = defns.DefinitionAtom(atomname, x, y, z) myconf.add_atom(atom2) mydef.add_conf(myconf) elif name in ["ASH", "GLH"]: for conformer in conformernames: for atom in atoms: hname = atom if ("1" in conformer and "1" in atom) or ( "2" in conformer and "2" in atom ): x = hmap[conformer, hname].x y = hmap[conformer, hname].y z = hmap[conformer, hname].z bondatom = hmap[conformer, hname].bonds[0] bondlength = 1.0 myconf = HydrogenConformation( hname, bondatom, bondlength ) atom = defns.DefinitionAtom(hname, x, y, z) myconf.add_atom(atom) for atom_ in refatoms: atomname = atom_ refresname = "" if name == "ASH": refresname = "ASP" elif name == "GLH": refresname = "GLU" x = atommap[refresname, atom_].x y = atommap[refresname, atom_].y z = atommap[refresname, atom_].z atom2 = defns.DefinitionAtom(atomname, x, y, z) myconf.add_atom(atom2) mydef.add_conf(myconf) elif name not in ["WAT"]: bondlength = 1.0 for atom in atoms: hname = atom x = atommap[name, hname].x y = atommap[name, hname].y z = atommap[name, hname].z bondatom = atommap[name, hname].bonds[0] myconf = HydrogenConformation(hname, bondatom, bondlength) atom = defns.DefinitionAtom(hname, x, y, z) myconf.add_atom(atom) if refatoms is not None: if name == "HIS" and == "HE2": refatoms = ["NE2", "CE1", "CD2"] if name == "ARG" and == "HE": refatoms = ["NE", "CZ", "NH1"] # FIXME: 2020/07/06 intendo - the "atom" is reused in # the outer for loop and ambiguous for atom in refatoms: atomname = atom x = atommap[name, atomname].x y = atommap[name, atomname].y z = atommap[name, atomname].z atom = defns.DefinitionAtom(atomname, x, y, z) myconf.add_atom(atom) mydef.add_conf(myconf) return mydef
[docs] def read_hydrogen_def(self, topo): """Read the hydrogen definition file :param topo: Topology object :type topo: Topology object """ self.hydrodefs = [] for mapping in res = mapping mydef = self.parse_hydrogen(res, topo) self.hydrodefs.append(mydef) res = ""