Source code for pdb2pqr.structures

"""Simple biomolecular structures.

This module contains the simpler structure objects used in PDB2PQR and their
associated methods.

.. codeauthor:: Todd Dolinsky
.. codeauthor:: Nathan Baker
# from . import pdb
from .config import BACKBONE

[docs]class Chain: """Chain class The chain class contains information about each chain within a given :class:`Biomolecule` object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, chain_id): """Initialize the class. :param chain_id: ID for this chain as denoted in the PDB :type chain_id: str """ self.chain_id = chain_id self.residues = [] = None
[docs] def add_residue(self, residue): """Add a residue to the chain :param residue: residue to be added :type residue: Residue """ self.residues.append(residue)
[docs] def renumber_residues(self): """Renumber atoms. Renumber based on actual residue number and not PDB :makevar:`res_seq` """ for count, residue in enumerate(self.residues, start=1): residue.set_res_seq(count)
@property def atoms(self): """Return a list of Atom objects contained in this chain. :return: list of Atom objects :rtype: [Atom] """ atomlist = [] for residue in self.residues: my_list = residue.atoms for atom in my_list: atomlist.append(atom) return atomlist def __str__(self): output = [residue.letter_code() for residue in self.residues] return "".join(output)
[docs]class Atom: """Represent an atom. The Atom class inherits from the :class:`ATOM` object in :mod:`pdb`. This class used for adding fields not found in the PDB that may be useful for analysis. This class also simplifies code by combining :class:`ATOM` and :class:`HETATM` objects into a single class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, atom=None, type_="ATOM", residue=None): """Initialize the new Atom object by using the old object. :param atom: the original ATOM object (could be None) :type atom: ATOM :param type_: either ATOM or HETATM :type type_: str :param residue: a pointer back to the parent residue object (could be None) :type residue: Residue """ self.type = None self.serial = None = None self.alt_loc = None self.res_name = None self.chain_id = None self.res_seq = None self.ins_code = None self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None self.occupancy = None self.temp_factor = None self.seg_id = None self.element = None self.charge = None self.bonds = [] self.reference = None self.residue = None self.radius = None self.ffcharge = None self.hdonor = 0 self.hacceptor = 0 self.cell = None self.added = 0 self.optimizeable = 0 self.refdistance = 0 = None self.mol2charge = None if type_ in ["ATOM", "HETATM"]: self.type = type_ else: err = f"Invalid atom type {type_} (Atom Class IN!" raise ValueError(err) if atom is not None: self.serial = atom.serial = self.alt_loc = atom.alt_loc self.res_name = atom.res_name self.chain_id = atom.chain_id self.res_seq = atom.res_seq self.ins_code = atom.ins_code self.x = atom.x self.y = atom.y self.z = atom.z self.occupancy = atom.occupancy self.temp_factor = atom.temp_factor self.seg_id = atom.seg_id self.element = atom.element self.charge = atom.charge self.residue = residue try: self.mol2charge = atom.mol2charge except AttributeError: self.mol2charge = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_pqr_line(cls, line): """Create an atom from a PQR line. :param cls: class for classmethod :type cls: Atom :param line: PQR line :type line: str :returns: new atom or None (for REMARK and similar lines) :rtype: Atom :raises ValueError: for problems parsing """ atom = cls() words = [w.strip() for w in line.split()] token = words.pop(0) if token in [ "REMARK", "TER", "END", "HEADER", "TITLE", "COMPND", "SOURCE", "KEYWDS", "EXPDTA", "AUTHOR", "REVDAT", "JRNL", ]: return None if token in ["ATOM", "HETATM"]: atom.type = token elif token[:4] == "ATOM": atom.type = "ATOM" words = [token[4:]] + words elif token[:6] == "HETATM": atom.type = "HETATM" words = [token[6:]] + words else: err = f"Unable to parse line: {line}" raise ValueError(err) atom.serial = int(words.pop(0)) = words.pop(0) atom.res_name = words.pop(0) token = words.pop(0) try: atom.res_seq = int(token) except ValueError: atom.chain_id = token atom.res_seq = int(words.pop(0)) token = words.pop(0) try: atom.x = float(token) except ValueError: atom.ins_code = token atom.x = float(words.pop(0)) atom.y = float(words.pop(0)) atom.z = float(words.pop(0)) atom.charge = float(words.pop(0)) atom.radius = float(words.pop(0)) return atom
[docs] @classmethod def from_qcd_line(cls, line, atom_serial): """Create an atom from a QCD (UHBD QCARD format) line. :param Atom cls: class for classmethod :param str line: PQR line :param int atom_serial: atom serial number :returns: new atom or None (for REMARK and similar lines) :rtype: Atom :raises ValueError: for problems parsing """ atom = cls() words = [w.strip() for w in line.split()] token = words.pop(0) if token in [ "REMARK", "TER", "END", "HEADER", "TITLE", "COMPND", "SOURCE", "KEYWDS", "EXPDTA", "AUTHOR", "REVDAT", "JRNL", ]: return None if token in ["ATOM", "HETATM"]: atom.type = token elif token[:4] == "ATOM": atom.type = "ATOM" words = [token[4:]] + words elif token[:6] == "HETATM": atom.type = "HETATM" words = [token[6:]] + words else: err = f"Unable to parse line: {line}" raise ValueError(err) atom.serial = int(atom_serial) atom.res_seq = int(words.pop(0)) atom.res_name = words.pop(0) = words.pop(0) atom.x = float(words.pop(0)) atom.y = float(words.pop(0)) atom.z = float(words.pop(0)) atom.charge = float(words.pop(0)) atom.radius = float(words.pop(0)) return atom
[docs] def get_common_string_rep(self, chainflag=False): """Returns a string of the common column of the new atom type. Uses the :class:`ATOM` string output but changes the first field to either be ``ATOM`` or ``HETATM`` as necessary. This is used to create the output for PQR and PDB files. :return: string with ATOM/HETATM field set appropriately :rtype: str """ outstr = "" tstr = self.type outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 6)[:6] tstr = f"{self.serial:d}" outstr += str.rjust(tstr, 5)[:5] outstr += " " tstr = if len(tstr) == 4 or len(tstr.strip("FLIP")) == 4: outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 4)[:4] else: outstr += " " + str.ljust(tstr, 3)[:3] tstr = self.res_name if len(tstr) == 4: outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 4)[:4] else: outstr += " " + str.ljust(tstr, 3)[:3] outstr += " " tstr = self.chain_id if chainflag else "" outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 1)[:1] tstr = f"{self.res_seq:d}" outstr += str.rjust(tstr, 4)[:4] outstr += f"{self.ins_code} " if self.ins_code != "" else " " tstr = f"{self.x:8.3f}" outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 8)[:8] tstr = f"{self.y:8.3f}" outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 8)[:8] tstr = f"{self.z:8.3f}" outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 8)[:8] return outstr
def __str__(self): return self.get_pqr_string()
[docs] def get_pqr_string(self, chainflag=False): """Returns a string of the atom type. Uses the :class:`ATOM` string output but changes the first field to either be ``ATOM`` or ``HETATM`` as necessary. This is used to create the output for PQR files. :return: string with ATOM/HETATM field set appropriately :rtype: str """ outstr = self.get_common_string_rep(chainflag=chainflag) ffcharge = ( f"{self.ffcharge:.4f}" if self.ffcharge is not None else "0.0000" ) outstr += str.rjust(ffcharge, 8)[:8] ffradius = ( f"{self.radius:.4f}" if self.radius is not None else "0.0000" ) outstr += str.rjust(ffradius, 7)[:7] return outstr
[docs] def get_pdb_string(self): """Returns a string of the atom type. Uses the :class:`ATOM` string output but changes the first field to either be ``ATOM`` or ``HETATM`` as necessary. This is for the PDB representation of the atom. The :mod:`propka` module depends on this being correct. :return: string with ATOM/HETATM field set appropriately :rtype: str """ outstr = self.get_common_string_rep(chainflag=True) tstr = f"{self.occupancy:6.2f}" outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 6)[:6] tstr = f"{self.temp_factor:6.2f}" outstr += str.rjust(tstr, 6)[:6] # padding between temp factor and seg_id outstr += " " * 7 tstr = self.seg_id outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 4)[:4] tstr = self.element outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 2)[:2] tstr = str(self.charge) outstr += str.ljust(tstr, 2)[:2] return outstr
@property def coords(self): """Return the x,y,z coordinates of the atom. .. todo: All atom coordinates should be converted to :mod:`numpy` arrays :return: list of the coordinates :rtype: [float, float, float] """ return [self.x, self.y, self.z]
[docs] def add_bond(self, bondedatom): """Add a bond to the list of bonds. :param bondedatom: the atom to bond to :type bondedatom: ATOM """ self.bonds.append(bondedatom)
@property def is_hydrogen(self): """Is this atom a Hydrogen atom? :return: whether this atom is a hydrogen :rtype: bool """ return[0] == "H" @property def is_backbone(self): """Return True if atom name is in backbone, otherwise False. :return: whether atom is in backbone :rtype: bool """ return in BACKBONE @property def has_reference(self): """Determine if the object has a reference object or not. All known atoms should have reference objects. :return: whether atom has reference object :rtype: bool """ return self.reference is not None