Source code for pdb2pqr.ligand.peoe

"""Implements the PEOE method.

The PEOE method is described in:  Paul Czodrowski, Ingo Dramburg,
Christoph A. Sotriffer  Gerhard Klebe. Development, validation, and
application of adapted PEOE charges to estimate pKa values of functional
groups in protein–ligand complexes. Proteins, 65, 424-437, 2006.
import logging
from math import isclose

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The terms of the third-order polynomial fit for the electronegativity.
# See for more information.
# NOTE - this data has no meaning outside of this module; do not move.
    "H": (7.17, 6.24, -0.56, 12.85),
    "C.3": (7.98, 9.18, 1.88, 19.04),
    "C.CAT": (7.98, 9.18, 1.88, 19.04),
    "C.2": (8.79 + 0.5, 9.32, 1.51, 19.62),
    "C.AR": (7.98 + 0.55, 9.18, 1.88, 19.04),
    "C.1": (10.39, 9.45, 0.73, 20.57),
    "N.3": (11.54 + 6.0, 10.28, 1.36, 28.00),
    "N.4": (11.54 + 6.0, 10.28, 1.36, 28.00),
    "N.AR": (12.87 - 1.29, 11.15, 0.85, 24.87),
    "N.2": (12.87, 11.15, 0.85, 24.87),
    "N.PL3": (12.87 + 0.5, 11.15, 0.85, 24.87),
    "N.AM": (12.87 + 3.5, 11.15, 0.85, 24.87),
    "N.1": (15.68, 11.70, -0.27, 27.11),
    "O.OH": (14.18 + 0.8, 12.92, 1.39, 28.49),
    "O.3": (14.18 - 3.1, 12.92, 1.39, 28.49),
    "O.2": (14.18, 12.92, 1.39, 28.49),
    "O.CO2": (15.25, 13.79, 0.47, 31.33),
    "F": (12.36, 13.85, 2.31, 30.82),
    "CL": (9.38 + 1.0, 9.69, 1.35, 22.04),
    "BR": (10.08 + 0.8, 8.47, 1.16, 19.71),
    "I": (9.90 + 1.0, 7.96, 0.96, 18.82),
    "S.3": (10.13 + 0.5, 9.13, 1.38, 20.65),
    "S.2": (10.13 + 0.5, 9.13, 1.38, 20.65),
    "S.O2": (10.13 + 0.5, 9.13, 1.38, 20.65),
    "P.3": (10.13 + 0.5, 9.13, 1.38, 20.65),
# Maximum (absolute) value of charge after which contribution to polynomial
# is capped
# These next values are from the "Adaptation of the PEOE Procedure" section of

[docs]def electronegativity(charge, poly_terms, atom_type): """Calculate the electronegativity. Calculation is based on a third-order polynomial in the atomic charge as described in Equation 2 of :param charge: charge of atom :type charge: float :param poly_terms: polynomial terms ordered from 0th- to 3rd-order :param atom_type: string with atom type :type atom_type: str :return: electronegativity value :rtype: float :raises IndexError: if incorrect number of poly_terms given """ chi = None if abs(charge) > MAX_CHARGE: charge = -1.0 * MAX_CHARGE if charge < 0 else MAX_CHARGE if (atom_type == "H") and isclose(charge, DEFAULT_H_CHARGE): chi = DEFAULT_H_ELECTRONEG else: if len(poly_terms) == 4: chi = ( poly_terms[0] + poly_terms[1] * charge + poly_terms[2] * charge * charge + poly_terms[3] * charge * charge * charge ) elif len(poly_terms) == 3: chi = ( poly_terms[0] + poly_terms[1] * charge + poly_terms[2] * charge * charge ) else: err = f"Cannot parse length-{len(poly_terms):d} polynomial" raise IndexError(err) return chi
[docs]def assign_terms(atoms, term_dict): """Assign polynomial terms to each atom. :param atoms: list of Mol2Atom atoms :type atoms: list :param term_dict: dictionary of polynomial terms :type term_dict: dict :return: modified list of atoms :rtype: list """ for atom in atoms: atom_type = atom.type.upper() if atom_type == "O.3": atom_type = "O.OH" try: atom.poly_terms = term_dict[atom_type] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"Unable to find polynomial terms for atom type {atom_type}" ) return atoms
[docs]def equilibrate( atoms, damp=DAMPING_FACTOR, scale=SCALING_FACTOR, num_cycles=NUM_CYCLES, term_dict=POLY_TERMS, ): """Equilibrate the atomic charges. :param atoms: list of Mol2Atom atoms to equilibrate :type atoms: list :param damp: damping factor for equilibration process :type damp: float :param scale: scaling factor for equilibration process :type scale: float :param num_cycles: number of PEOE cycles :type num_cycles: int :param term_dict: dictionary of polynomial terms :type term_dict: dict :return: revised list of atoms :rtype: list """ atoms = assign_terms(atoms, term_dict) # Reset or accumulate charges abs_qges = 0.0 for atom in atoms: if isclose(atom.charge, 0.0): atom.equil_formal_charge = 0.0 else: # PEOE multiples all atoms by a scaling factor at the end to # account for increased polarizability. The initial formal # charge needs to be reduced to account for this scaling. atom.equil_formal_charge = atom.charge * (1.0 / scale) abs_qges += abs(atom.charge) atom.charge = 0 # A finite number of cycles is used to prevent complete equilibration of # the molecule. I'm not sure why this is a good idea but people have # been doing it since the original 1978 Tetrahedron paper with Gasteiger # & Marsili for icycle in range(num_cycles): for atom1 in atoms: chi1 = electronegativity( atom1.charge, atom1.poly_terms, atom1.type ) atom1.delta_charge = 0.0 for atom2 in atom1.bonded_atoms: chi2 = electronegativity( atom2.charge, atom2.poly_terms, atom2.type ) chi_diff = chi2 - chi1 if chi2 > chi1: chi_norm = electronegativity( +1, atom1.poly_terms, atom1.type ) else: chi_norm = electronegativity( +1, atom2.poly_terms, atom2.type ) # Damping is used in PEOE to accelerate convergence atom1.delta_charge += (chi_diff / chi_norm) * ( damp ** (icycle + 1) ) for atom in atoms: if isclose(abs_qges, 0.0): atom.charge += atom.delta_charge else: atom.charge += ( atom.delta_charge + (1.0 / num_cycles) * atom.equil_formal_charge ) for atom in atoms: atom.charge = scale * atom.charge return atoms