Source code for pdb2pqr.inputgen

"""Create an APBS input file using :mod:`psize` data.

.. codeauthor::  Todd Dolinsky
.. codeauthor::  Nathan Baker
import pickle
import logging
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from . import psize
from .config import TITLE_STR

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Elec: """An object for the ELEC section of an APBS input file."""
[docs] def __init__( self, pqrpath, size, method, asyncflag, istrng=0, potdx=False ): """Initialize object. .. todo:: Remove hard-coded parameters. :param pqrpath: path to PQR file :type pqrpath: str :param size: parameter sizing object :type size: Psize :param method: solution method (e.g., mg-para, mg-auto, etc.) :type method: str :param asyncflag: perform an asynchronous parallel focusing calculation :type asyncflag: bool :param istrng: ionic strength/concentration (M) :type istring: float :param potdx: whether to write out potential information in DX format :type potdx: bool """ # If this is an async or parallel calc, we want to use # the per-grid dime rather than the global dime. self.dime = size.ngrid gmem = ( 200.0 * self.dime[0] * self.dime[1] * self.dime[2] / 1024.0 / 1024.0 ) if method == "": # method not named - use ceiling if gmem > size.gmemceil: method = "mg-para" else: method = "mg-auto" if method == "mg-para": self.dime = size.getSmallest() self.method = method self.istrng = istrng self.glen = size.coarse_length self.cglen = size.coarse_length self.fglen = size.fine_length self.pdime = size.proc_grid self.label = "" self.nlev = 4 self.ofrac = 0.1 self.async_ = 0 self.asyncflag = asyncflag self.cgcent = "mol 1" self.fgcent = "mol 1" self.gcent = "mol 1" self.mol = 1 self.lpbe = 1 self.npbe = 0 self.bcfl = "sdh" # TODO - where did these very arbitrary numbers come from? self.ion = [[-1, 1.815], [1, 1.875]] # Multiple ions possible self.pdie = 2.0 self.sdie = 78.54 self.srfm = "smol" self.chgm = "spl2" self.sdens = 10.0 self.srad = 1.4 self.swin = 0.3 self.temp = 298.15 self.gamma = 0.105 self.calcenergy = "total" self.calcforce = "no" if potdx: self.write = [["pot", "dx", pqrpath]] else: # Multiple write statements possible self.write = [["pot", "dx", "pot"]]
def __str__(self): text = f"elec {self.label}\n" text += f" {self.method}\n" text += f" dime {int(self.dime[0])} {int(self.dime[1])} " text += f"{int(self.dime[2])}\n" if self.method == "mg-auto": text += f" cglen {self.cglen[0]:.4f} {self.cglen[1]:.4f} " text += f"{self.cglen[2]:.4f}\n" text += f" fglen {self.fglen[0]:.4f} {self.fglen[1]:.4f} " text += f"{self.fglen[2]:.4f}\n" text += f" cgcent {self.cgcent}\n" text += f" fgcent {self.fgcent}\n" elif self.method == "mg-manual": text += f" glen {self.glen[0]:.3f} {self.glen[1]:.3f} " text += f"{self.glen[2]:.3f}\n" text += f" gcent {self.gcent}\n" elif self.method == "mg-para": text += f" pdime {int(self.pdime[0])} {int(self.pdime[1])} " text += f"{int(self.pdime[2])}\n" text += f" ofrac {self.ofrac:.1f}\n" text += f" cglen {self.cglen[0]:.4f} {self.cglen[1]:.4f} " text += f"{self.cglen[2]:.4f}\n" text += f" fglen {self.fglen[0]:.4f} {self.fglen[1]:.4f} " text += f"{self.fglen[2]:.4f}\n" text += f" cgcent {self.cgcent}\n" text += f" fgcent {self.fgcent}\n" if self.asyncflag: text += f" async {self.async_}\n" text += f" mol {int(self.mol)}\n" text += " lpbe\n" if self.lpbe else " npbe\n" text += f" bcfl {self.bcfl}\n" if self.istrng > 0: for ion in self.ion: text += f" ion charge {ion[0]:.2f} conc {self.istrng:.3f} " text += f"radius {ion[1]:.4f}\n" text += f" pdie {self.pdie:.4f}\n" text += f" sdie {self.sdie:.4f}\n" text += f" srfm {self.srfm}\n" text += f" chgm {self.chgm}\n" text += f" sdens {self.sdens:.2f}\n" text += f" srad {self.srad:.2f}\n" text += f" swin {self.swin:.2f}\n" text += f" temp {self.temp:.2f}\n" text += f" calcenergy {self.calcenergy}\n" text += f" calcforce {self.calcforce}\n" for write in self.write: text += f" write {write[0]} {write[1]} {write[2]}\n" text += "end\n" return text
[docs]class Input: """Each object of this class is one APBS input file."""
[docs] def __init__( self, pqrpath, size, method, asyncflag, istrng=0, potdx=False ): """Initialize the input file class. Each input file contains a PQR name, a list of elec objects, and a list of strings containing print statements. For starters, assume two ELEC statements are needed, one for the inhomgenous and the other for the homogenous dielectric calculations. .. note:: This assumes you have already run psize, either by :func:`size.run_psize(...)` or :func:`size.parse_string(...)` followed by :func:`size.set_all()`. :param pqrpath: path to PQR file :type pqrpath: str :param size: parameter sizing object :type size: Psize :param method: solution method (e.g., mg-para, mg-auto, etc.) :type method: str :param asyncflag: perform an asynchronous parallel focusing calculation :type asyncflag: bool :param istrng: ionic strength/concentration (M) :type istring: float :param potdx: whether to write out potential information in DX format :type potdx: bool """ self.pqrpath = Path(pqrpath) self.pqrname = self.asyncflag = asyncflag # Initialize variables to default elec values elec1 = Elec(pqrpath, size, method, asyncflag, istrng, potdx) if not potdx: elec2 = Elec(pqrpath, size, method, asyncflag, istrng, potdx) setattr(elec2, "sdie", 2.0) setattr(elec2, "write", []) else: elec2 = "" self.elecs = [elec1, elec2] if not potdx: self.prints = ["print elecEnergy 2 - 1 end"] else: self.prints = ["print elecEnergy 1 end"]
def __str__(self): text = "read\n" text += f" mol pqr {self.pqrname}\n" text += "end\n" for elec in self.elecs: text += str(elec) for prints in self.prints: text += prints text += "\nquit\n" return text
[docs] def print_input_files(self, output_path): """Generate the input file(s) associated with this object. :param output_path: location for generated files :type output_path: str """ path = Path(output_path) base_name = path.stem if self.asyncflag: outname = base_name + "" # Temporarily disable async flag for elec in self.elecs: elec.asyncflag = False with open(outname, "wt") as out_file: out_file.write(str(self)) # Now make the async files elec = self.elecs[0] nproc = elec.pdime[0] * elec.pdime[1] * elec.pdime[2] for i in range(int(nproc)): outname = base_name + f"-PE{i}.in" for elec in self.elecs: elec.asyncflag = True elec.async_ = i with open(outname, "wt") as out_file: out_file.write(str(self)) else: with open(path, "wt") as out_file: out_file.write(str(self))
[docs] def dump_pickle(self): """Make a Python pickle associated with the APBS input parameters. .. todo:: is this function still useful? """ base_pqr_name = self.pqrpath.stem outname = base_pqr_name + "-input.p" with open(outname, "wb") as pfile: pickle.dump(self, pfile)
[docs]def split_input(filename): """Split the parallel input file into multiple async file names. :param filename: the path to the original parallel input file :type filename: str """ nproc = 0 with open(filename, "rt") as file_: text = "" while True: line = file_.readline() if not line: break text += line line = line.strip() if line.startswith("pdime"): # Get # Procs words = line.split() nproc = int(words[1]) * int(words[2]) * int(words[3]) if nproc == 0: errstr = f"{filename} is not a valid APBS parallel input file!\n" errstr = errstr + ( "The inputgen script was unable to asynchronize this file!" ) raise RuntimeError(errstr) base_pqr_name = Path(filename).stem for iproc in int(range(nproc)): outname = base_pqr_name + f"-PE{iproc}.in" outtext = text.replace("mg-para\n", f"mg-para\n async {iproc}\n") with open(outname, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(outtext)
[docs]def build_parser(): """Build argument parser.""" desc = f"{TITLE_STR}\ninputgen: generating APBS input files since " desc += "(at least) 2004" parse = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parse.add_argument( "--asynch", action="store_true", help="perform an asynchronous parallel calculation.", ) parse.add_argument( "--split", action="store_true", help=( "split an existing parallel input file to multiple " "async input files." ), ) parse.add_argument( "--potdx", action="store_true", help=("create an input to compute an electrostatic potential map."), ) parse.add_argument( "--method", help=("force output file to write a specific APBS ELEC method."), choices=["para", "auto", "manual", "async"], ) parse.add_argument( "--cfac", type=float, default=psize.CFAC, help=( "factor by which to expand molecular dimensions to " "get coarse grid dimensions." ), ) parse.add_argument( "--fadd", type=float, default=psize.FADD, help=( "amount to add to molecular dimensions to get fine " "grid dimensions." ), ) parse.add_argument( "--space", type=float, default=psize.SPACE, help="desired fine mesh resolution", ) parse.add_argument( "--gmemfac", type=int, default=psize.GMEMFAC, help=( "number of bytes per grid point required for sequential " "MG calculation" ), ) parse.add_argument( "--gmemceil", type=int, default=psize.GMEMCEIL, help=( "max MB allowed for sequential MG calculation; adjust " "this to force the script to perform faster calculations " "(which require more parallelism)" ), ) parse.add_argument( "--ofrac", type=float, default=psize.OFRAC, help="overlap factor between mesh partitions (parallel)", ) parse.add_argument( "--redfac", type=float, default=psize.REDFAC, help=( "the maximum factor by which a domain dimension can " "be reduced during focusing" ), ) parse.add_argument( "--istrng", help="Ionic strength (M); Na+ and Cl- ions will be used" ) parse.add_argument("filename") return parse
[docs]def main(): """Main driver""" parser = build_parser() args = parser.parse_args() size = psize.Psize() filename = args.filename if args.split: split_input(filename) else: size.run_psize(filename) input_ = Input( filename, size, args.method, args.asynch, args.istrng, args.potdx ) path = Path(filename) output_path = path.parent + path.stem + Path(".in") input_.print_input_files(output_path)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()