Source code for pdb2pqr.debump

"""Routines for biomolecule optimization.

.. codeauthor::  Jens Erik Nielsen
.. codeauthor::  Todd Dolinsky
.. codeauthor::  Yong Huang
.. codeauthor::  Nathan Baker
import logging
from . import aa
from . import utilities as util
from . import io
from . import quatfit as quat
from . import cells

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Debump: """Grab bag of random stuff that apparently didn't fit elsewhere. .. todo:: This class needs to be susbtantially refactored in to multiple classes with clear responsibilities. """
[docs] def __init__(self, biomolecule, definition=None): """Initialize the Debump object. :param biomolecule: the biomolecule to debump :type biomolecule: Biomolecule :param definition: topology definition file :type definition: Definition """ self.biomolecule = biomolecule self.definition = definition self.aadef = None self.cells = {} if definition is not None: self.aadef = definition.getAA() self.nadef = definition.getNA()
[docs] def get_bump_score(self, residue): """Get a bump score for a residue. :param residue: residue with bumping to evaluate :type residue: Residue :return: bump score :rtype: float """ # Do some setup self.cells = cells.Cells(CELL_SIZE) self.cells.assign_cells(self.biomolecule) self.biomolecule.calculate_dihedral_angles() self.biomolecule.set_donors_acceptors() self.biomolecule.update_internal_bonds() self.biomolecule.set_reference_distance() bumpscore = 0.0 if not isinstance(residue, aa.Amino): return 0.0 # Initialize variables for atom in residue.atoms: atomname = if atomname[0] != "H": continue bumpscore += self.get_bump_score_atom(atom) return bumpscore
[docs] def get_bump_score_atom(self, atom): """Find nearby atoms for conflict-checking. Uses neighboring cells to compare atoms rather than an all versus all O(n^2) algorithm, which saves a great deal of time. There are several instances where we ignore potential conflicts; these include donor/acceptor pairs, atoms in the same residue, and bonded CYS bridges. :param atom: find nearby atoms to this atom :type atom: Atom :return: a bump score sum((dist-cutoff)**20 for all nearby atoms :rtype: float """ # Initialize some variables residue = atom.residue atom_size = BUMP_HYDROGEN_SIZE if atom.is_hydrogen else BUMP_HEAVY_SIZE # Get atoms from nearby cells closeatoms = self.cells.get_near_cells(atom) # Loop through and see if any are within the cutoff bumpscore = 0.0 for closeatom in closeatoms: closeresidue = closeatom.residue if closeresidue == residue and ( closeatom in atom.bonds or atom in closeatom.bonds ): continue if not isinstance(closeresidue, aa.Amino): continue if ( isinstance(residue, aa.CYS) and residue.ss_bonded_partner == closeatom ): continue if ( atom.is_hydrogen and len(atom.bonds) != 0 and atom.bonds[0].hdonor and closeatom.hacceptor ): continue if ( closeatom.is_hydrogen and len(closeatom.bonds) != 0 and closeatom.bonds[0].hdonor and atom.hacceptor ): continue dist = util.distance(atom.coords, closeatom.coords) other_size = ( BUMP_HYDROGEN_SIZE if closeatom.is_hydrogen else BUMP_HEAVY_SIZE ) cutoff = atom_size + other_size if dist < cutoff: bumpscore += 1000.0 _LOGGER.debug(f"BUMPSCORE {str(bumpscore)}") return bumpscore
[docs] def debump_biomolecule(self): """Minimize bump score for molecule. Make sure that none of the added atoms were rebuilt on top of existing atoms. See each called function for more information. :raises ValueError: if missing (backbone) atoms are encountered """ # Do some setup self.cells = cells.Cells(CELL_SIZE) self.cells.assign_cells(self.biomolecule) self.biomolecule.calculate_dihedral_angles() self.biomolecule.set_donors_acceptors() self.biomolecule.update_internal_bonds() try: self.biomolecule.set_reference_distance() except ValueError as err: err = f"Biomolecular structure is incomplete: {err}" raise ValueError(err) # Determine which residues to debump for residue in self.biomolecule.residues: if not isinstance(residue, aa.Amino): continue # Initialize variables conflict_names = self.find_residue_conflicts(residue, True) if not conflict_names: continue # Otherwise debump the residue _LOGGER.debug(f"Starting to debump {residue}...") _LOGGER.debug( f"Debumping cutoffs: {BUMP_HEAVY_SIZE * 2:2.1f} for " f"heavy-heavy, {BUMP_HYDROGEN_SIZE + BUMP_HEAVY_SIZE:2.1f} " f"for hydrogen-heavy, and {BUMP_HYDROGEN_SIZE * 2:2.1f} " f"for hydrogen-hydrogen." ) if self.debump_residue(residue, conflict_names): _LOGGER.debug("Debumping Successful!") else: text = f"WARNING: Unable to debump {residue}" _LOGGER.warning(text) _LOGGER.debug("Done checking if we must debump any residues.")
[docs] def find_residue_conflicts(self, residue, write_conflict_info=False): """Find conflicts between residues. :param residue: residue to check :type residue: Residue :param write_conflict_info: write verbose output about conflict :type write_conflict_info: bool :return: list of conflicts :rtype: [str] """ conflict_names = [] for atom in residue.atoms: atomname = if not atom.added: continue if atomname == "H": continue if atom.optimizeable: continue nearatoms = self.find_nearby_atoms(atom) # If something is too close, we must debump the residue if nearatoms != {}: conflict_names.append(atomname) if write_conflict_info: for repatom in nearatoms: _LOGGER.debug( f"{residue} {atomname} is too close to " f"{repatom.residue} {}" ) return conflict_names
[docs] def score_dihedral_angle(self, residue, anglenum): """Assign score to dihedral angle. :param residue: residue with dihedral angles to score :type residue: Residue :param anglenum: specific dihedral angle index :type anglenum: int :return: score for dihedral angle :rtype: float """ score = 0 atomnames = residue.reference.dihedrals[anglenum].split() pivot = atomnames[2] moveablenames = residue.get_moveable_names(pivot) for name in moveablenames: nearatoms = self.find_nearby_atoms(residue.get_atom(name)) for value in nearatoms.values(): score += value return score
[docs] def debump_residue(self, residue, conflict_names): """Debump a specific residue. Only should be called if the residue has been detected to have a conflict. If called, try to rotate about dihedral angles to resolve the conflict. :param residue: the residue in question :type residue: Residue :param conflict_names: a list of atomnames that were rebuilt too close to other atoms :type conflict_names: [str] :return: True if successful, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ # Initialize some variables anglenum = -1 curr_conflict_names = conflict_names # Try to find a workable solution for _ in range(DEBUMP_ANGLE_TEST_COUNT): anglenum = residue.pick_dihedral_angle( curr_conflict_names, anglenum ) if anglenum == -1: return False _LOGGER.debug( f"Using dihedral angle number {anglenum} to debump " "the residue." ) bestscore = self.score_dihedral_angle(residue, anglenum) found_improved = False bestangle = orig_angle = residue.dihedrals[anglenum] # Skip the first angle as it's already known. for i in range(1, DEBUMP_ANGLE_STEPS): newangle = orig_angle + (DEBUMP_ANGLE_STEP_SIZE * i) self.set_dihedral_angle(residue, anglenum, newangle) # Check for conflicts score = self.score_dihedral_angle(residue, anglenum) if score == 0: if not self.find_residue_conflicts(residue): _LOGGER.debug( f"No conflicts found at angle {repr(newangle)}" ) return True else: bestangle = newangle found_improved = True break # Set the best angle elif score < bestscore: diff = abs(bestscore - score) # Don't update if it's effectively a tie if diff > SMALL_NUMBER: bestscore = score bestangle = newangle found_improved = True self.set_dihedral_angle(residue, anglenum, bestangle) curr_conflict_names = self.find_residue_conflicts(residue) if found_improved: err = f"Best score of {bestscore} at angle {bestangle}." _LOGGER.debug(err) _LOGGER.debug(f"New conflict set: {curr_conflict_names}") else: _LOGGER.debug("No improvement found for this dihedral angle.") # If we're here, debumping was unsuccessful return False
[docs] def get_closest_atom(self, atom): """Get the closest atom that does not form a donor/acceptor pair. Used to detect potential conflicts. .. note:: Cells must be set before using this function. :param atom: the atom to test :type atom: Atom :return: the closest atom to the input atom that does not satisfy a donor/acceptor pair. :rtype: Atom """ # Initialize some variables bestdist = 999.99 bestwatdist = 999.99 bestatom = None bestwatatom = None residue = atom.residue # Get atoms from nearby cells closeatoms = self.cells.get_near_cells(atom) # Loop through and see which is the closest for closeatom in closeatoms: closeresidue = closeatom.residue if closeresidue == residue: continue if not isinstance(closeresidue, (aa.Amino, aa.WAT)): continue if ( isinstance(residue, aa.CYS) and residue.ss_bonded_partner == closeatom ): continue # Also ignore if this is a donor/acceptor pair if ( atom.is_hydrogen and atom.bonds[0].hdonor and closeatom.hacceptor ): continue if ( closeatom.is_hydrogen and closeatom.bonds[0].hdonor and atom.hacceptor ): continue dist = util.distance(atom.coords, closeatom.coords) if isinstance(closeresidue, aa.WAT): if dist < bestwatdist: bestwatdist = dist bestwatatom = closeatom else: if dist < bestdist: bestdist = dist bestatom = closeatom if bestdist > bestwatdist: txt = ( f"Skipped atom during water optimization: {} " f"in {bestwatatom.residue} skipped " f"when optimizing {} in {residue}" ) _LOGGER.warning(txt) return bestatom
[docs] def find_nearby_atoms(self, atom): """Find nearby atoms for conflict-checking. Uses neighboring cells to compare atoms rather than an all versus all O(n^2) algorithm, which saves a great deal of time. There are several instances where we ignore potential conflicts; these include donor/acceptor pairs, atoms in the same residue, and bonded CYS bridges. :param atom: find nearby atoms to this atom :type atom: Atom :return: a dictionary of ``Atom too close`` to ``amount of overlap for that atom`` :rtype: dict """ # Initialize some variables nearatoms = {} residue = atom.residue atom_size = BUMP_HYDROGEN_SIZE if atom.is_hydrogen else BUMP_HEAVY_SIZE # Get atoms from nearby cells closeatoms = self.cells.get_near_cells(atom) # Loop through and see if any are within the cutoff for closeatom in closeatoms: closeresidue = closeatom.residue if closeresidue == residue and ( closeatom in atom.bonds or atom in closeatom.bonds ): continue if not isinstance(closeresidue, (aa.Amino, aa.WAT)): continue if ( isinstance(residue, aa.CYS) and residue.ss_bonded_partner == closeatom ): continue # Also ignore if this is a donor/acceptor pair if ( atom.is_hydrogen and len(atom.bonds) != 0 and atom.bonds[0].hdonor and closeatom.hacceptor ): continue if ( closeatom.is_hydrogen and len(closeatom.bonds) != 0 and closeatom.bonds[0].hdonor and atom.hacceptor ): continue dist = util.distance(atom.coords, closeatom.coords) other_size = ( BUMP_HYDROGEN_SIZE if closeatom.is_hydrogen else BUMP_HEAVY_SIZE ) cutoff = atom_size + other_size if dist < cutoff: nearatoms[closeatom] = cutoff - dist return nearatoms
[docs] def set_dihedral_angle(self, residue, anglenum, angle): """Rotate a residue about a given angle. Uses :mod:`quatfit` methods to perform the matrix mathematics. :param residue: residue to rotate :type residue: Residue :param anglenum: specific dihedral angle index :param angle: the angle to set the dihedral to :type angle: float """ coordlist = [] initcoords = [] movecoords = [] pivot = "" oldangle = residue.dihedrals[anglenum] diff = angle - oldangle atomnames = residue.reference.dihedrals[anglenum].split() pivot = atomnames[2] for atomname in atomnames: if residue.has_atom(atomname): coordlist.append(residue.get_atom(atomname).coords) else: raise ValueError("Error occurred while trying to debump!") initcoords = util.subtract(coordlist[2], coordlist[1]) moveablenames = residue.get_moveable_names(pivot) for name in moveablenames: atom = residue.get_atom(name) movecoords.append(util.subtract(atom.coords, coordlist[1])) newcoords = quat.qchichange(initcoords, movecoords, diff) for iatom, atom_name in enumerate(moveablenames): atom = residue.get_atom(atom_name) self.cells.remove_cell(atom) atom.x = newcoords[iatom][0] + coordlist[1][0] atom.y = newcoords[iatom][1] + coordlist[1][1] atom.z = newcoords[iatom][2] + coordlist[1][2] self.cells.add_cell(atom) # Set the new angle coordlist = [] for atomname in atomnames: if residue.has_atom(atomname): coordlist.append(residue.get_atom(atomname).coords) else: raise ValueError("Error occurred while trying to debump!") dihed = util.dihedral( coordlist[0], coordlist[1], coordlist[2], coordlist[3] ) residue.dihedrals[anglenum] = dihed