Source code for pdb2pqr.main

"""Perform functions related to _main_ execution of PDB2PQR.

This module is intended for functions that directly touch arguments provided at
the invocation of PDB2PQR.
It was created to avoid cluttering the file.

.. codeauthor:: Nathan Baker (et al.)
import logging
import argparse
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from pathlib import Path
from math import isclose
import propka.lib
import propka.output as pk_out
import propka.input as pk_in
from propka.parameters import Parameters
from propka.molecular_container import MolecularContainer
from . import aa
from . import debump
from . import hydrogens
from . import forcefield
from . import biomolecule as biomol
from . import io
from .ligand.mol2 import Mol2Molecule
from .config import REPAIR_LIMIT

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(f"PDB2PQR{VERSION}")

# Round-off error when determining if charge is integral

[docs]def build_main_parser(): """Build an argument parser. .. todo:: Need separate argparse groups for PDB2PKA and PROPKA. These exist but need real options. :returns: argument parser :rtype: argparse.ArgumentParser """ desc = TITLE_STR pars = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="pdb2pqr", description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, conflict_handler="resolve", ) pars.add_argument( "input_path", help="Input PDB path or ID (to be retrieved from RCSB database", ) pars.add_argument("output_pqr", help="Output PQR path") pars.add_argument( "--log-level", help="Logging level", default="INFO", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], ) grp1 = pars.add_argument_group( title="Mandatory options", description="One of the following options must be used", ) grp1.add_argument( "--ff", choices=[ff.upper() for ff in FORCE_FIELDS], default="PARSE", help="The forcefield to use.", ) grp1.add_argument( "--userff", help=( "The user-created forcefield file to use. Requires " "--usernames and overrides --ff" ), ) grp1.add_argument( "--clean", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Do no optimization, atom addition, or parameter assignment, " "just return the original PDB file in aligned format. Overrides " "--ff and --userff" ), ) grp2 = pars.add_argument_group(title="General options") grp2.add_argument( "--nodebump", dest="debump", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not perform the debumping operation", ) grp2.add_argument( "--noopt", dest="opt", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not perform hydrogen optimization", ) grp2.add_argument( "--keep-chain", action="store_true", default=False, help="Keep the chain ID in the output PQR file", ) grp2.add_argument( "--assign-only", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Only assign charges and radii - do not add atoms, " "debump, or optimize." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--ffout", choices=[ff.upper() for ff in FORCE_FIELDS], help=( "Instead of using the standard canonical naming scheme for " "residue and atom names, use the names from the given forcefield" ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--usernames", help=( "The user-created names file to use. Required if using --userff" ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--apbs-input", help=( "Create a template APBS input file based on the generated PQR " "file at the specified location." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--pdb-output", default=None, help=( "Create a PDB file based on input. This will be missing charges " "and radii" ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--ligand", help=( "Calculate the parameters for the specified MOL2-format ligand at " "the path specified by this option." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--whitespace", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Insert whitespaces between atom name and residue name, between x " "and y, and between y and z." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--neutraln", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Make the N-terminus of a protein neutral (default is " "charged). Requires PARSE force field." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--neutralc", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Make the C-terminus of a protein neutral (default is " "charged). Requires PARSE force field." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--drop-water", action="store_true", default=False, help="Drop waters before processing biomolecule.", ) grp2.add_argument( "--include-header", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Include pdb header in pqr file. WARNING: The resulting PQR file " "will not work with APBS versions prior to 1.5" ), ) grp3 = pars.add_argument_group( title="pKa options", description="Options for titration calculations" ) grp3.add_argument( "--titration-state-method", dest="pka_method", choices=(["propka"]), help=( "Method used to calculate titration states. If a titration state " "method is selected, titratable residue charge states will be set " "by the pH value supplied by --with_ph" ), ) grp3.add_argument( "--with-ph", dest="ph", type=float, action="store", default=7.0, help=( "pH values to use when applying the results of the selected pH " "calculation method." ), ) pars = propka.lib.build_parser(pars) # Override version flag set by PROPKA pars.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {VERSION}" ) return pars
[docs]def check_files(args): """Check for other necessary files. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :raises FileNotFoundError: necessary files not found :raises RuntimeError: input argument or file parsing problems """ if args.usernames is not None: usernames = Path(args.usernames) if not usernames.is_file(): error = f"User-provided names file does not exist: {usernames}" raise FileNotFoundError(error) if args.userff is not None: userff = Path(args.userff) if not userff.is_file(): error = f"User-provided forcefield file does not exist: {userff}" raise FileNotFoundError(error) if args.usernames is None: err = "--usernames must be specified if using --userff" raise RuntimeError(err) elif args.ff is not None: io.test_dat_file(args.ff) if args.ligand is not None: ligand = Path(args.ligand) if not ligand.is_file(): error = f"Unable to find ligand file: {ligand}" raise FileNotFoundError(error)
[docs]def check_options(args): """Sanity check options. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :raises RuntimeError: silly option combinations were encountered. """ if ( < 0) or ( > 14): err = ( f"Specified pH ({}) is outside the range " "[1, 14] of this program" ) raise RuntimeError(err) if args.neutraln and (args.ff is None or args.ff.lower() != "parse"): err = "--neutraln option only works with PARSE forcefield!" raise RuntimeError(err) if args.neutralc and (args.ff is None or args.ff.lower() != "parse"): err = "--neutralc option only works with PARSE forcefield!" raise RuntimeError(err)
[docs]def transform_arguments(args): """Transform arguments with logic not provided by argparse. .. todo:: I wish this could be done with argparse. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :return: modified arguments :rtype: argparse.Namespace """ if args.assign_only or args.clean: args.debump = False args.opt = False if args.userff is not None: args.userff = args.userff elif args.ff is not None: args.ff = args.ff.lower() if args.ffout is not None: args.ffout = args.ffout.lower() return args
[docs]def setup_molecule(pdblist, definition, ligand_path): """Set up the molecular system. :param pdblist: list of PDB records :type pdblist: list :param definition: topology definition :type definition: Definition :param ligand_path: path to ligand (may be None) :type ligand_path: str :return: (biomolecule object, definition object--revised if ligand was parsed, ligand object--may be None) :rtype: (Biomolecule, Definition, Ligand) """ if ligand_path is not None: ligand = Mol2Molecule() with open(ligand_path, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as ligand_file: else: ligand = None biomolecule = biomol.Biomolecule(pdblist, definition) f"Created biomolecule object with {len(biomolecule.residues)} " f"residues and {len(biomolecule.atoms)} atoms." ) for residue in biomolecule.residues: multoccupancy = False for atom in residue.atoms: if atom.alt_loc != "": multoccupancy = True txt = f"Multiple occupancies found: {} in {residue}." _LOGGER.warning(txt) if multoccupancy: err = ( f"Multiple occupancies found in {residue}. At least one of " "the instances is being ignored." ) _LOGGER.warning(err) return biomolecule, definition, ligand
[docs]def is_repairable(biomolecule, has_ligand): """Determine if the biomolecule can be (or needs to be) repaired. :param biomolecule: biomolecule object :type biomolecule: biomol.Biomolecule :param has_ligand: does the system contain a ligand? :type has_ligand: bool :return: indication of whether biomolecule can be repaired :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if there are insufficient heavy atoms or a significant part of the biomolecule is missing """ num_heavy = biomolecule.num_heavy num_missing = biomolecule.num_missing_heavy if num_heavy == 0: if not has_ligand: err = ( "No biomolecule heavy atoms found and no ligand present. " "Unable to proceed. You may also see this message if " "PDB2PQR does not have parameters for any residue in your " "biomolecule." ) raise ValueError(err) else: err = ( "No heavy atoms found but a ligand is present. Proceeding " "with caution." ) _LOGGER.warning(err) return False if num_missing == 0:"This biomolecule is clean. No repair needed.") return False miss_frac = float(num_missing) / float(num_heavy) if miss_frac > REPAIR_LIMIT: error = f"This PDB file is missing too many ({num_missing} out of " error += f"{num_heavy:i}, {miss_frac:g}) " error += "heavy atoms to accurately repair the file." error += f"The current repair limit is set at {REPAIR_LIMIT:g}. " error += "You may also see this message if PDB2PQR does not have " error += "parameters for enough residues in your biomolecule." _LOGGER.error(error) return False return True
[docs]def drop_water(pdblist): """Drop waters from a list of PDB records. .. todo:: this module is already too long but this function fits better here. Other possible place would be utilities. :param pdb_list: list of PDB records as returned by io.get_molecule :type pdb_list: [str] :return: new list of PDB records with waters removed. :rtype: [str] """ pdblist_new = [] for record in pdblist: record_type = record.record_type() if ( record_type in ["HETATM", "ATOM", "SIGATM", "SEQADV"] and record.res_name in aa.WAT.water_residue_names ): continue pdblist_new.append(record) return pdblist_new
[docs]def run_propka(args, biomolecule): """Run a PROPKA calculation. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :param biomolecule: biomolecule object :type biomolecule: Biomolecule :return: (DataFrame-convertible table of assigned pKa values, pKa information from PROPKA) :rtype: (list, str) """ # TODO - eliminate need to write temporary file lines = io.print_biomolecule_atoms( atomlist=biomolecule.atoms, chainflag=args.keep_chain, pdbfile=True ) with NamedTemporaryFile("wt", suffix=".pdb", delete=False) as pdb_file: for line in lines: pdb_file.write(line) pdb_path = parameters = pk_in.read_parameter_file(args.parameters, Parameters()) molecule = MolecularContainer(parameters, args) molecule = pk_in.read_molecule_file(pdb_path, molecule) molecule.calculate_pka() # Extract pKa information from PROPKA # write_pka( # self, # self.version.parameters, # filename=filename, # conformation="AVR", # reference=reference, # ) lines = [] # lines.append(f"{pk_out.get_propka_header()}") # lines.append(f"{pk_out.get_references_header()}") # lines.append( # pk_out.get_determinant_section( # molecule, 'AVR', molecule.version.parameters # ) # ) # lines.append( # pk_out.get_summary_section( # molecule, "AVR", molecule.version.parameters # ) # ) # lines.append(pk_out.get_the_line()) lines.append( pk_out.get_folding_profile_section( molecule, conformation="AVR", reference="neutral", window=[0.0, 14.0, 1.0], ) ) lines.append( pk_out.get_charge_profile_section(molecule, conformation="AVR") ) lines.append(pk_out.get_the_line()) pka_str = "\n".join(lines) # Summarize in pKas in DataFrame for later use conformation = molecule.conformations["AVR"] rows = [] for group in conformation.groups: row_dict = OrderedDict() atom = group.atom row_dict["res_num"] = atom.res_num row_dict["ins_code"] = atom.icode row_dict["res_name"] = atom.res_name row_dict["chain_id"] = atom.chain_id row_dict["group_label"] = group.label row_dict["group_type"] = getattr(group, "type", None) row_dict["pKa"] = group.pka_value row_dict["model_pKa"] = group.model_pka row_dict["buried"] = group.buried if group.coupled_titrating_group: row_dict["coupled_group"] = group.coupled_titrating_group.label else: row_dict["coupled_group"] = None rows.append(row_dict) return rows, pka_str
[docs]def non_trivial(args, biomolecule, ligand, definition, is_cif): """Perform a non-trivial PDB2PQR run. .. todo:: These routines should be generalized to biomolecules; none of them are specific to biomolecules. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :param biomolecule: biomolecule :type biomolecule: Biomolecule :param ligand: ligand object or None :type ligand: Mol2Molecule :param definition: topology definition :type definition: Definition :param is_cif: indicates whether file is CIF format :type is_cif: bool :raises ValueError: for missing atoms that prevent debumping :return: dictionary with results :rtype: dict """"Loading forcefield.") forcefield_ = forcefield.Forcefield( args.ff, definition, args.userff, args.usernames )"Loading hydrogen topology definitions.") hydrogen_handler = hydrogens.create_handler() debumper = debump.Debump(biomolecule) pka_df = None if args.assign_only: # TODO - I don't understand why HIS needs to be set to HIP for # assign-only biomolecule.set_hip() else: if is_repairable(biomolecule, args.ligand is not None): f"Attempting to repair {biomolecule.num_missing_heavy:d} " "missing atoms in biomolecule." ) biomolecule.repair_heavy()"Updating disulfide bridges.") biomolecule.update_ss_bridges() if args.debump:"Debumping biomolecule.") try: debumper.debump_biomolecule() except ValueError as err: err = f"Unable to debump biomolecule. {err}" raise ValueError(err) if args.pka_method == "propka":"Assigning titration states with PROPKA.") biomolecule.remove_hydrogens() pka_df, pka_str = run_propka(args, biomolecule)"PROPKA information:\n{pka_str}") biomolecule.apply_pka_values(,, {f"{row['res_name']} {row['res_num']} {row['chain_id']}": row["pKa"] for row in pka_df if row["group_label"].startswith(row["res_name"])}, )"Adding hydrogens to biomolecule.") biomolecule.add_hydrogens() if args.debump:"Debumping biomolecule (again).") debumper.debump_biomolecule()"Optimizing hydrogen bonds") hydrogen_routines = hydrogens.HydrogenRoutines( debumper, hydrogen_handler ) if args.opt: hydrogen_routines.set_optimizeable_hydrogens() biomolecule.hold_residues(None) hydrogen_routines.initialize_full_optimization() else: hydrogen_routines.initialize_wat_optimization() hydrogen_routines.optimize_hydrogens() hydrogen_routines.cleanup()"Applying force field to biomolecule states.") biomolecule.set_states() matched_atoms, missing_atoms = biomolecule.apply_force_field(forcefield_) if args.ligand is not None:"Processing ligand.") _LOGGER.warning("Using ZAP9 forcefield for ligand radii.") ligand.assign_parameters() lig_atoms = [] for residue in biomolecule.residues: tot_charge = 0 for pdb_atom in residue.atoms: # Only check residues with HETATM if pdb_atom.type == "ATOM": break try: mol2_atom = ligand.atoms[] pdb_atom.radius = mol2_atom.radius pdb_atom.ffcharge = mol2_atom.charge tot_charge += mol2_atom.charge lig_atoms.append(pdb_atom) except KeyError: err = ( f"Can't find HETATM {} {residue.res_seq} " f"{} in MOL2 file" ) _LOGGER.warning(err) missing_atoms.append(pdb_atom) matched_atoms += lig_atoms total_charge = sum([residue.charge for residue in biomolecule.residues]) if not isclose( total_charge, int(total_charge), abs_tol=CHARGE_ERROR ): err = ( f"Biomolecue charge is " f"non-integer: {total_charge}" ) raise ValueError(err) if args.ffout is not None:"Applying custom naming scheme ({args.ffout}).") if args.ffout != args.ff: name_scheme = forcefield.Forcefield(args.ffout, definition, None) else: name_scheme = forcefield_ biomolecule.apply_name_scheme(name_scheme)"Regenerating headers.") reslist, charge = biomolecule.charge if is_cif: header = io.print_pqr_header_cif( missing_atoms, reslist, charge, args.ff, args.pka_method,, args.ffout, include_old_header=args.include_header, ) else: header = io.print_pqr_header( biomolecule.pdblist, missing_atoms, reslist, charge, args.ff, args.pka_method,, args.ffout, include_old_header=args.include_header, )"Regenerating PDB lines.") lines = io.print_biomolecule_atoms(matched_atoms, args.keep_chain) return { "lines": lines, "header": header, "missed_residues": missing_atoms, "pka_df": pka_df, }
[docs]def main_driver(args): """Main driver for running program from the command line. Validate inputs, launch PDB2PQR, handle output. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace """ io.setup_logger(args.output_pqr, args.log_level) _LOGGER.debug(f"Invoked with arguments: {args}") print_splash_screen(args)"Checking and transforming input arguments.") args = transform_arguments(args) check_files(args) check_options(args)"Loading topology files.") definition = io.get_definitions()"Loading molecule: {args.input_path}") pdblist, is_cif = io.get_molecule(args.input_path) if args.drop_water:"Dropping water from structure.") pdblist = drop_water(pdblist)"Setting up molecule.") biomolecule, definition, ligand = setup_molecule( pdblist, definition, args.ligand )"Setting termini states for biomolecule chains.") biomolecule.set_termini(args.neutraln, args.neutralc) biomolecule.update_bonds() if args.clean: "Arguments specified cleaning only; skipping remaining steps." ) results = { "header": "", "missed_residues": None, "biomolecule": biomolecule, "lines": io.print_biomolecule_atoms( biomolecule.atoms, args.keep_chain ), "pka_df": None, } else: try: results = non_trivial( args=args, biomolecule=biomolecule, ligand=ligand, definition=definition, is_cif=is_cif, ) except ValueError as err: _LOGGER.critical(err) _LOGGER.critical("Giving up.") return 1 print_pqr( args=args, pqr_lines=results["lines"], header_lines=results["header"], missing_lines=results["missed_residues"], is_cif=is_cif, ) if args.pdb_output: print_pdb( args=args, pdb_lines=io.print_biomolecule_atoms( biomolecule.atoms, chainflag=args.keep_chain, pdbfile=True ), header_lines=results["header"], missing_lines=results["missed_residues"], is_cif=is_cif, ) if args.apbs_input: io.dump_apbs(args.output_pqr, args.apbs_input) return results["missed_residues"], results["pka_df"], biomolecule
[docs]def main(): """Hook for command-line usage.""" parser = build_main_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if main_driver(args) == 1: sys.exit(1)
[docs]def dx_to_cube(): """Convert DX file format to Cube file format. The OpenDX file format is defined at <` and the Cube file format is defined at <>. .. todo:: This function should be moved into the APBS code base. """ desc = f"{TITLE_STR}\ndx2cube: converting OpenDX-format files to " desc += "Gaussian Cube format since (at least) 2015" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument("dx_input", help="name of the dx_input file") parser.add_argument("pqr_input", help="name of the pqr_input file") parser.add_argument("output", help="name of the output file") parser.add_argument( "--log-level", help="set logging level", default="INFO", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], ) args = parser.parse_args() log_level = getattr(logging, args.log_level) logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) _LOGGER.debug(f"Got arguments: {args}", args)"Reading PQR from {args.pqr_input}...") with open(args.pqr_input, "rt") as pqr_file: atom_list = io.read_pqr(pqr_file)"Reading DX from {args.dx_input}...") with open(args.dx_input, "rt") as dx_file: dx_dict = io.read_dx(dx_file)"Writing Cube to {args.output}...") with open(args.output, "wt") as cube_file: io.write_cube(cube_file, dx_dict, atom_list)