Source code for pdb2pqr.ligand.mol2

"""Support molecules in Tripos MOL2 format.

For further information look at (web page exists: 25 August 2005):,SimplePage,,,&page=sup_mol2&s=0
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import combinations
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import norm
from . import peoe
from . import RADII

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# These are the allowed bond types
BOND_TYPES = {"single", "double", "triple", "aromatic"}
# This is the maximum deviation from an ideal bond distance

[docs]class Mol2Bond: """MOL2 molecule bonds."""
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, bond_type, bond_id=0): """Initialize bond. :param atom1: name of first atom in bond :type atom1: str :param atom2: name of second atom in bond :type atom2: str :param bond_type: type of bond: 1 (single), 2 (double), or ar (aromatic) :type bond_type: int :param bond_id: integer ID of bond :type bond_id: int """ self.atoms = (atom1, atom2) self.bond_id = int(bond_id) if bond_type in BOND_TYPES: self.type = bond_type else: err = f"Unknown bond type: {bond_type}" raise ValueError(err)
@property def atom_names(self): """Get atom names in bond. :return: tuple with names of atoms in bond. :rtype: (str, str) """ return (self.atoms[0].name, self.atoms[1].name) @property def length(self): """Get bond length. :return: bond length :rtype: float """ return self.atoms[0].distance(self.atoms[1]) def __str__(self): mol2 = f"{self.atoms[0].name:s} {self.type:s}-bonded to " mol2 += f"{self.atoms[1].name:s}" return mol2
[docs]class Mol2Atom: """MOL2 molecule atoms."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.serial = None = None self.alt_loc = None self.res_name = None self.chain_id = None self.res_seq = None self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None self.type = None self.radius = None self.is_c_term = False self.is_n_term = False self.mol2charge = None self.occupancy = 0.00 self.temp_factor = 0.00 self.seg_id = None self.charge = None self.num_rings = 0 self.radius = None self.bonded_atoms = [] self.bonds = [] self.torsions = [] self.rings = [] # Terms for calculating atom electronegativity self.poly_terms = None # Atom electronegativity self.chi = None # Atom charge change during equilibration self.delta_charge = None
[docs] def distance(self, other): """Get distance between two atoms. :param other: other atom for distance measurement :type other: Mol2Atom :return: distance :rtype: float """ return norm(other.coords - self.coords)
def __str__(self): """Generate PDB line from MOL2.""" mol2 = ( f"HETATM{self.serial:5d}{>5s}{self.res_name:>4s} L" f"{self.res_seq!s:>5s} {self.x:8.3f}{self.y:8.3f}{self.z:8.3f}" ) return mol2
[docs] def assign_radius(self, primary_dict, secondary_dict): """Assign radius to atom. .. todo:: It seems inconsistent that this function pulls radii from a dictionary and the biomolecule routines use force field files. :param primary_dict: primary dictionary of radii indexed by atom type or element :type primary_dict: dict :param secondary_dict: backup dictionary for radii not found in primary dictionary :type secondary_dict: dict """ radius = None for rdict in [primary_dict, secondary_dict]: if radius is not None: break for key in [self.type, self.element]: if key in rdict: radius = rdict[key] break if radius is not None: self.radius = radius else: err = ( f"Unable to find radius parameter for self of type " f"{self.type} in radius dictionary: {primary_dict}" ) raise KeyError(err)
@property def coords(self): """Coordinates. :return: coordinates :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return array([self.x, self.y, self.z]) @property def bonded_atom_names(self): """Bonded atom names. :return: bonded atom names :rtype: list """ return [ for a in self.bonded_atoms] @property def num_bonded_heavy(self): """Number of heavy atoms bonded to this atom. :return: number of heavy atoms :rtype: int """ return len([a for a in self.bonded_atoms if a.type != "H"]) @property def num_bonded_hydrogen(self): """Number of hydrogen atoms bonded to this atom. :return: number of hydrogen atoms :rtype: int """ return len([a for a in self.bonded_atoms if a.type == "H"]) @property def element(self): """Element for this atom (uppercase). :return: element for this atom :rtype: str """ return self.type.split(".")[0].upper() @property def bond_order(self): """Total number of electrons in bonds with other atoms. :return: total number of electrons in bonds with other atoms :rtype: int """ order = 0 num_aromatic = 0 for bond in self.bonds: if bond.type == "single": order += 1 elif bond.type == "double": order += 2 elif bond.type == "triple": order += 3 elif bond.type == "aromatic": num_aromatic += 1 else: err = f"Unknown bond type: {bond.type}" raise ValueError(err) if num_aromatic > 0: order = order + num_aromatic + 1 return order @property def formal_charge(self): """Formal charge for this atom :return: formal charge for this atom :rtype: int """ element = self.type.split(".")[0] valence = VALENCE_BY_ELEMENT[element] nonbonded = NONBONDED_BY_TYPE[self.type] bond_order = self.bond_order formal_charge = valence - nonbonded - bond_order if ( (self.type in ["N.pl3", ""]) and (bond_order == 3) and (formal_charge != 0) ): # Planar nitrogen bond orders are not always correct in MOL2 _LOGGER.warning("Correcting planar/amide bond order.") formal_charge = 0 elif ( (self.type in [""]) and (bond_order == 4) and (formal_charge != 0) ): # Aromatic nitrogen bond orders are not always correct in MOL2 _LOGGER.warning("Correcting aromatic nitrogen bond order.") formal_charge = 0 elif ( (self.type in [""]) and (bond_order == 5) and (formal_charge != 0) ): # Aromatic carbon bond orders are not always correct in MOL2 _LOGGER.warning("Correcting aromatic carbon bond order.") formal_charge = 0 elif ( (self.type in ["O.co2"]) and (bond_order == 1) and (formal_charge != -0.5) ): # CO2 bond orders are hardly ever set correctly in MOL2 formal_charge = -0.5 elif ( (self.type in ["C.2"]) and (bond_order == 5) and (formal_charge == -1) ): # CO2 bond orders are hardly ever set correctly in MOL2 formal_charge = 0 elif ( (self.type in ["N.3"]) and (bond_order == 4) and (formal_charge == -1) ): # Tetravalent nitrogen atom types are sometimes wrong in MOL2 _LOGGER.warning("Correcting ammonium atom type.") formal_charge = 1 elif ( (self.type in ["O.3"]) and (bond_order == 1) and (formal_charge == 1) ): # Phosphate groups are sometimes confused in MOL2 # Assign negative charge to first O.3 with bond order 1 # attached to phosphorous elements = [a.type[0] for a in self.bonds[0].atoms] p_atom = self.bonds[0].atoms[elements.index("P")] _LOGGER.warning("Correcting phosphate bond order.") o_atoms = [] for bond in p_atom.bonds: for atom in bond.atoms: if atom.type[0] == "O" and atom.bond_order == 1: o_atoms.append( formal_charge = -1 if o_atoms.index( == 0 else 0 return formal_charge
[docs]class Mol2Molecule: """Tripos MOL2 molecule."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.atoms = OrderedDict() self.bonds = [] self.torsions = set() self.rings = set() self.serial = None = None self.res_name = None self.res_seq = None
[docs] def assign_parameters( self, primary_dict=RADII["zap9"], secondary_dict=RADII["bondi"] ): """Assign charges and radii to atoms in molecule. Args: primary_dict: primary dictionary of radii indexed by atom type or element secondary_dict: backup dictionary for radii not found in primary dictionary """ self.assign_radii(primary_dict, secondary_dict) self.assign_charges()
[docs] def assign_radii(self, primary_dict, secondary_dict): """Assign radii to atoms in molecule. :param primary_dict: primary dictionary of radii indexed by atom type or element :type primary_dict: dict :param secondary_dict: backup dictionary for radii not found in primary dictionary :type secondary_dict: dict """ for atom in self.atoms.values(): atom.assign_radius(primary_dict, secondary_dict)
[docs] def assign_charges(self): """Assign charges to atoms in molecule.""" for atom in self.atoms.values(): atom.charge = atom.formal_charge peoe.equilibrate(self.atoms.values())
[docs] def find_atom_torsions(self, start_atom): """Set the torsion angles that start with this atom (name). :param start_atom: starting atom name :type start_atom: str :return: list of 4-tuples containing atom names comprising torsions """ torsions = [] for bonded1 in self.atoms[start_atom].bonded_atom_names: for bonded2 in self.atoms[bonded1].bonded_atom_names: if bonded2 == start_atom: continue for end_atom in self.atoms[bonded2].bonded_atom_names: if end_atom == bonded1: continue torsions.append((start_atom, bonded1, bonded2, end_atom)) return torsions
[docs] def set_torsions(self): """Set all torsions in molecule.""" for atom_name, atom in self.atoms.items(): atom.torsions = self.find_atom_torsions(atom_name) for torsion in atom.torsions: self.torsions.add(torsion)
[docs] @staticmethod def rotate_to_smallest(path): """Rotate cycle path so that it begins with the smallest node. This was borrowed from StackOverflow: :param path: list of atom names :type path: list of str :return: rotated path :rtype: list of str """ n = path.index(min(path)) return path[n:] + path[:n]
[docs] def find_new_rings(self, path, rings, level=0): """Find new rings in molecule. This was borrowed from StackOverflow: :param path: list of atom names :type path: list of str :param rings: current list of rings :type rings: list of str :param level: recursion level :type level: int :return: new list of rings :rtype: int """ start_node = path[0] next_node = None sub_path = [] for bond in self.bonds: atom1 = bond.atoms[0].name atom2 = bond.atoms[1].name if start_node in (atom1, atom2): next_node = atom2 if atom1 == start_node else atom1 if next_node not in path: sub_path = [next_node, *path] rings = self.find_new_rings(sub_path, rings, level + 1) elif len(path) > 2 and next_node == path[-1]: path_ = self.rotate_to_smallest(path) inv_path = tuple(self.rotate_to_smallest(path_[::-1])) path_ = tuple(path_) if (path_ not in rings) and (inv_path not in rings): rings.add(tuple(path_)) return rings
[docs] def set_rings(self): """Set all rings in molecule. This was borrowed from StackOverflow: """ self.rings = set() rings = set() # Generate all rings for bond in self.bonds: for atom_name in bond.atom_names: rings = self.find_new_rings([atom_name], rings) # Prune rings that are products of other rings # TODO - testing on molecules like phenalene shows that this is broken ring_sets = [] for i in range(2, len(rings) + 1): for combo in combinations(rings, i): ring_set = set().union(*combo) ring_sets.append(ring_set) for ring in rings: ring_set = set(ring) if ring_set in ring_sets: _LOGGER.debug(f"Fused ring: {ring}") else: _LOGGER.debug(f"Unfused ring: {ring}") self.rings.add(ring) for ring in self.rings: for atom in ring: self.atoms[atom].num_rings += 1
[docs] def read(self, mol2_file): """Routines for reading MOL2 file. :param mol2_file: file-like object with MOL2 data """ mol2_file = self.parse_atoms(mol2_file) mol2_file = self.parse_bonds(mol2_file)
[docs] def parse_atoms(self, mol2_file): """Parse @<TRIPOS>ATOM section of file. :param mol2_file: file-like object with MOL2 data :return: file-like object advanced to bonds section :raises ValueError: for bad MOL2 ATOM lines :raises TypeError: for bad charge entries """ # Skip material before atoms section for line in mol2_file: if "@<TRIPOS>ATOM" in line: break _LOGGER.debug(f"Skipping: {line.strip()}") duplicates = set() for line in mol2_file: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if "@<TRIPOS>BOND" in line: break words = line.split() if len(words) < 8: err = f"Bad entry in MOL2 file: {line}" raise ValueError(err) atom = Mol2Atom() = words[1] atom_type = words[5] type_parts = atom_type.split(".") type_parts[0] = type_parts[0].capitalize() if len(type_parts) == 2: type_parts[1] = type_parts[1].lower() elif len(type_parts) > 2: err = f"Invalid atom type: {atom_type}" raise ValueError(err) atom.type = ".".join(type_parts) atom.chain_id = "L" try: atom.serial = int(words[0]) atom.res_name = words[7][:4] atom.res_seq = int(words[6]) atom.x = float(words[2]) atom.y = float(words[3]) atom.z = float(words[4]) except ValueError as exc: err = f"Error ({exc}) parsing atom line: {line}" raise ValueError(err) if len(line) > 8: try: atom.mol2charge = float(words[8]) except TypeError: err = f"Unable to parse {words[8]} as charge in atom " err += f"line: {line}" _LOGGER.warning(err) if in self.atoms: duplicates.add( else: self.atoms[] = atom if duplicates: raise KeyError( f"Found duplicate atoms names in MOL2 file: {duplicates}" ) return mol2_file
[docs] def parse_bonds(self, mol2_file): """Parse @<TRIPOS>BOND section of file. Atoms must already have been parsed. Also sets up torsions and rings. :param mol2_file: file-like object with MOL2 data :return: file-like object advanced to SUBSTRUCTURE section """ atom_names = list(self.atoms.keys()) for line in mol2_file: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if "@<TRIPOS>SUBSTRUCTURE" in line: break words = line.split() if len(words) < 4: err = f"Bond line too short: {line}" raise ValueError(err) bond_type = words[3] if bond_type == "1": bond_type = "single" elif bond_type == "2": bond_type = "double" elif bond_type == "3": bond_type = "triple" elif bond_type == "am": raise NotImplementedError( "PDB2PQR does not currently support the amide (am) bond " "type." ) elif bond_type == "ar": bond_type = "aromatic" elif bond_type == "du": raise NotImplementedError( "PDB2PQR does not currently support the dummy (du) bond " "type." ) elif bond_type == "un": raise NotImplementedError( "PDB2PQR does not currently support the unknown (un) bond " "type." ) elif bond_type == "nc": raise NotImplementedError( "PDB2PQR does not currently support the not-connected " "(nc) bond type." ) else: err = f"Unknown bond type: {bond_type}" raise ValueError(err) bond_id = int(words[0]) atom_id1 = int(words[1]) atom_id2 = int(words[2]) atom_name1 = atom_names[atom_id1 - 1] atom1 = self.atoms[atom_name1] atom_name2 = atom_names[atom_id2 - 1] atom2 = self.atoms[atom_name2] bond = Mol2Bond( atom1=atom1, atom2=atom2, bond_type=bond_type, bond_id=bond_id ) atom1.bonds.append(bond) atom1.bonded_atom_names.append(atom_name2) atom1.bonded_atoms.append(atom2) atom2.bonds.append(bond) atom2.bonded_atom_names.append(atom_name1) atom2.bonded_atoms.append(atom1) self.bonds.append(bond) self.set_torsions() self.set_rings() return mol2_file