Source code for pdb2pqr.main

"""Perform functions related to _main_ execution of PDB2PQR.

This module is intended for functions that directly touch arguments provided at
the invocation of PDB2PQR.
It was created to avoid cluttering the file.

.. codeauthor:: Nathan Baker (et al.)
import logging
import argparse
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from pathlib import Path
import propka.lib
import propka.output as pk_out
import propka.input as pk_in
from propka.parameters import Parameters
from propka.molecular_container import MolecularContainer
from . import aa
from . import debump
from . import hydrogens
from . import forcefield
from . import biomolecule as biomol
from . import io
from .ligand.mol2 import Mol2Molecule
from .utilities import noninteger_charge
from .config import REPAIR_LIMIT

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(f"PDB2PQR{VERSION}")

[docs]def build_main_parser(): """Build an argument parser. .. todo:: Need separate argparse groups for PDB2PKA and PROPKA. These exist but need real options. :returns: argument parser :rtype: argparse.ArgumentParser """ desc = TITLE_STR pars = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="pdb2pqr", description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, conflict_handler="resolve", ) pars.add_argument( "input_path", help="Input PDB path or ID (to be retrieved from RCSB database", ) pars.add_argument("output_pqr", help="Output PQR path") pars.add_argument( "--log-level", help="Logging level", default="INFO", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], ) grp1 = pars.add_argument_group( title="Mandatory options", description="One of the following options must be used", ) grp1.add_argument( "--ff", choices=[ff.upper() for ff in FORCE_FIELDS], default="PARSE", help="The forcefield to use.", ) grp1.add_argument( "--userff", help=( "The user-created forcefield file to use. Requires " "--usernames and overrides --ff" ), ) grp1.add_argument( "--clean", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Do no optimization, atom addition, or parameter assignment, " "just return the original PDB file in aligned format. Overrides " "--ff and --userff" ), ) grp2 = pars.add_argument_group(title="General options") grp2.add_argument( "--nodebump", dest="debump", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not perform the debumping operation", ) grp2.add_argument( "--noopt", dest="opt", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not perform hydrogen optimization", ) grp2.add_argument( "--keep-chain", action="store_true", default=False, help="Keep the chain ID in the output PQR file", ) grp2.add_argument( "--assign-only", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Only assign charges and radii - do not add atoms, " "debump, or optimize." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--ffout", choices=[ff.upper() for ff in FORCE_FIELDS], help=( "Instead of using the standard canonical naming scheme for " "residue and atom names, use the names from the given forcefield" ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--usernames", help=( "The user-created names file to use. Required if using --userff" ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--apbs-input", help=( "Create a template APBS input file based on the generated PQR " "file at the specified location." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--pdb-output", default=None, help=( "Create a PDB file based on input. This will be missing charges " "and radii" ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--ligand", help=( "Calculate the parameters for a single MOL2-format ligand at the " "path specified by this option. The MOL2 ligand name should " "match only one ligand in the PDB file." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--whitespace", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Insert whitespaces between atom name and residue name, between x " "and y, and between y and z." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--neutraln", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Make the N-terminus of a protein neutral (default is " "charged). Requires PARSE force field." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--neutralc", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Make the C-terminus of a protein neutral (default is " "charged). Requires PARSE force field." ), ) grp2.add_argument( "--drop-water", action="store_true", default=False, help="Drop waters before processing biomolecule.", ) grp2.add_argument( "--include-header", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Include pdb header in pqr file. WARNING: The resulting PQR file " "will not work with APBS versions prior to 1.5" ), ) grp3 = pars.add_argument_group( title="pKa options", description="Options for titration calculations" ) grp3.add_argument( "--titration-state-method", dest="pka_method", choices=(["propka"]), help=( "Method used to calculate titration states. If a titration state " "method is selected, titratable residue charge states will be set " "by the pH value supplied by --with_ph" ), ) grp3.add_argument( "--with-ph", dest="ph", type=float, action="store", default=7.0, help=( "pH values to use when applying the results of the selected pH " "calculation method." ), ) pars = propka.lib.build_parser(pars) # Override version flag set by PROPKA pars.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {VERSION}" ) return pars
[docs]def check_files(args): """Check for other necessary files. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :raises FileNotFoundError: necessary files not found :raises RuntimeError: input argument or file parsing problems """ if args.usernames is not None: usernames = Path(args.usernames) if not usernames.is_file(): error = f"User-provided names file does not exist: {usernames}" raise FileNotFoundError(error) if args.userff is not None: userff = Path(args.userff) if not userff.is_file(): error = f"User-provided forcefield file does not exist: {userff}" raise FileNotFoundError(error) if args.usernames is None: err = "--usernames must be specified if using --userff" raise RuntimeError(err) elif args.ff is not None: io.test_dat_file(args.ff) if args.ligand is not None: ligand = Path(args.ligand) if not ligand.is_file(): error = f"Unable to find ligand file: {ligand}" raise FileNotFoundError(error)
[docs]def check_options(args): """Sanity check options. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :raises RuntimeError: silly option combinations were encountered. """ if ( < 0) or ( > 14): err = ( f"Specified pH ({}) is outside the range " "[1, 14] of this program" ) raise RuntimeError(err) if args.neutraln and (args.ff is None or args.ff.lower() != "parse"): err = "--neutraln option only works with PARSE forcefield!" raise RuntimeError(err) if args.neutralc and (args.ff is None or args.ff.lower() != "parse"): err = "--neutralc option only works with PARSE forcefield!" raise RuntimeError(err)
[docs]def transform_arguments(args): """Transform arguments with logic not provided by argparse. .. todo:: I wish this could be done with argparse. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :return: modified arguments :rtype: argparse.Namespace """ if args.assign_only or args.clean: args.debump = False args.opt = False if args.userff is not None: args.userff = args.userff elif args.ff is not None: args.ff = args.ff.lower() if args.ffout is not None: args.ffout = args.ffout.lower() return args
[docs]def setup_molecule(pdblist, definition, ligand_path): """Set up the molecular system. :param pdblist: list of PDB records :type pdblist: list :param definition: topology definition :type definition: Definition :param ligand_path: path to ligand (may be None) :type ligand_path: str :return: (biomolecule object, definition object--revised if ligand was parsed, ligand object--may be None) :rtype: (Biomolecule, Definition, Ligand) """ if ligand_path is not None: ligand = Mol2Molecule() with open(ligand_path, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as ligand_file: else: ligand = None biomolecule = biomol.Biomolecule(pdblist, definition) f"Created biomolecule object with {len(biomolecule.residues)} " f"residues and {len(biomolecule.atoms)} atoms." ) for residue in biomolecule.residues: multoccupancy = False for atom in residue.atoms: if atom.alt_loc != "": multoccupancy = True txt = f"Multiple occupancies found: {} in {residue}." _LOGGER.warning(txt) if multoccupancy: err = ( f"Multiple occupancies found in {residue}. At least one of " "the instances is being ignored." ) _LOGGER.warning(err) return biomolecule, definition, ligand
[docs]def is_repairable(biomolecule, has_ligand): """Determine if the biomolecule can be (or needs to be) repaired. :param biomolecule: biomolecule object :type biomolecule: biomol.Biomolecule :param has_ligand: does the system contain a ligand? :type has_ligand: bool :return: indication of whether biomolecule can be repaired :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if there are insufficient heavy atoms or a significant part of the biomolecule is missing """ num_heavy = biomolecule.num_heavy num_missing = biomolecule.num_missing_heavy if num_heavy == 0: if not has_ligand: err = ( "No biomolecule heavy atoms found and no ligand present. " "Unable to proceed. You may also see this message if " "PDB2PQR does not have parameters for any residue in your " "biomolecule." ) raise ValueError(err) else: err = ( "No heavy atoms found but a ligand is present. Proceeding " "with caution." ) _LOGGER.warning(err) return False if num_missing == 0:"This biomolecule is clean. No repair needed.") return False miss_frac = float(num_missing) / float(num_heavy) if miss_frac > REPAIR_LIMIT: error = f"This PDB file is missing too many ({num_missing} out of " error += f"{num_heavy:i}, {miss_frac:g}) " error += "heavy atoms to accurately repair the file." error += f"The current repair limit is set at {REPAIR_LIMIT:g}. " error += "You may also see this message if PDB2PQR does not have " error += "parameters for enough residues in your biomolecule." _LOGGER.error(error) return False return True
[docs]def drop_water(pdblist): """Drop waters from a list of PDB records. .. todo:: this module is already too long but this function fits better here. Other possible place would be utilities. :param pdb_list: list of PDB records as returned by io.get_molecule :type pdb_list: [str] :return: new list of PDB records with waters removed. :rtype: [str] """ pdblist_new = [] for record in pdblist: record_type = record.record_type() if ( record_type in ["HETATM", "ATOM", "SIGATM", "SEQADV"] and record.res_name in aa.WAT.water_residue_names ): continue pdblist_new.append(record) return pdblist_new
[docs]def run_propka(args, biomolecule): """Run a PROPKA calculation. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :param biomolecule: biomolecule object :type biomolecule: Biomolecule :return: (DataFrame-convertible table of assigned pKa values, pKa information from PROPKA) :rtype: (list, str) """ # TODO - eliminate need to write temporary file lines = io.print_biomolecule_atoms( atomlist=biomolecule.atoms, chainflag=args.keep_chain, pdbfile=True ) with NamedTemporaryFile("wt", suffix=".pdb") as pdb_file: for line in lines: pdb_file.write(line) pdb_path = parameters = pk_in.read_parameter_file(args.parameters, Parameters()) molecule = MolecularContainer(parameters, args) molecule = pk_in.read_molecule_file(pdb_path, molecule) molecule.calculate_pka() # Extract pKa information from PROPKA # write_pka( # self, # self.version.parameters, # filename=filename, # conformation="AVR", # reference=reference, # ) lines = [] # lines.append(f"{pk_out.get_propka_header()}") # lines.append(f"{pk_out.get_references_header()}") # lines.append( # pk_out.get_determinant_section( # molecule, 'AVR', molecule.version.parameters # ) # ) # lines.append( # pk_out.get_summary_section( # molecule, "AVR", molecule.version.parameters # ) # ) # lines.append(pk_out.get_the_line()) lines.append( pk_out.get_folding_profile_section( molecule, conformation="AVR", reference="neutral", window=[0.0, 14.0, 1.0], ) ) lines.append( pk_out.get_charge_profile_section(molecule, conformation="AVR") ) lines.append(pk_out.get_the_line()) pka_str = "\n".join(lines) # Summarize in pKas in DataFrame for later use conformation = molecule.conformations["AVR"] rows = [] for group in conformation.groups: row_dict = OrderedDict() atom = group.atom row_dict["res_num"] = atom.res_num row_dict["ins_code"] = atom.icode row_dict["res_name"] = atom.res_name row_dict["chain_id"] = atom.chain_id row_dict["group_label"] = group.label row_dict["group_type"] = getattr(group, "type", None) row_dict["pKa"] = group.pka_value row_dict["model_pKa"] = group.model_pka row_dict["buried"] = group.buried if group.coupled_titrating_group: row_dict["coupled_group"] = group.coupled_titrating_group.label else: row_dict["coupled_group"] = None rows.append(row_dict) return rows, pka_str
[docs]def non_trivial(args, biomolecule, ligand, definition, is_cif): """Perform a non-trivial PDB2PQR run. .. todo:: These routines should be generalized to biomolecules; none of them are specific to biomolecules. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace :param biomolecule: biomolecule :type biomolecule: Biomolecule :param ligand: ligand object or None :type ligand: Mol2Molecule :param definition: topology definition :type definition: Definition :param is_cif: indicates whether file is CIF format :type is_cif: bool :raises ValueError: for missing atoms that prevent debumping :return: dictionary with results :rtype: dict """"Loading forcefield.") forcefield_ = forcefield.Forcefield( args.ff, definition, args.userff, args.usernames )"Loading hydrogen topology definitions.") hydrogen_handler = hydrogens.create_handler() debumper = debump.Debump(biomolecule) pka_df = None if args.assign_only: # TODO - I don't understand why HIS needs to be set to HIP for # assign-only biomolecule.set_hip() else: if is_repairable(biomolecule, args.ligand is not None): f"Attempting to repair {biomolecule.num_missing_heavy:d} " "missing atoms in biomolecule." ) biomolecule.repair_heavy()"Updating disulfide bridges.") biomolecule.update_ss_bridges() if args.debump:"Debumping biomolecule.") try: debumper.debump_biomolecule() except ValueError as err: err = f"Unable to debump biomolecule. {err}" raise ValueError(err) if args.pka_method == "propka":"Assigning titration states with PROPKA.") biomolecule.remove_hydrogens() pka_df, pka_str = run_propka(args, biomolecule)"PROPKA information:\n{pka_str}") biomolecule.apply_pka_values(,, {f"{row['res_name']} {row['res_num']} {row['chain_id']}": row["pKa"] for row in pka_df if row["group_label"].startswith(row["res_name"])}, )"Adding hydrogens to biomolecule.") biomolecule.add_hydrogens() if args.debump:"Debumping biomolecule (again).") debumper.debump_biomolecule()"Optimizing hydrogen bonds") hydrogen_routines = hydrogens.HydrogenRoutines( debumper, hydrogen_handler ) if args.opt: hydrogen_routines.set_optimizeable_hydrogens() biomolecule.hold_residues(None) hydrogen_routines.initialize_full_optimization() else: hydrogen_routines.initialize_wat_optimization() hydrogen_routines.optimize_hydrogens() hydrogen_routines.cleanup()"Applying force field to biomolecule states.") biomolecule.set_states() matched_atoms, missing_atoms = biomolecule.apply_force_field(forcefield_) if args.ligand is not None:"Processing ligand.") _LOGGER.warning("Using ZAP9 forcefield for ligand radii.") ligand.assign_parameters() lig_atoms = [] for residue in biomolecule.residues: tot_charge = 0 for pdb_atom in residue.atoms: # Only check residues with HETATM if pdb_atom.type == "ATOM": break try: mol2_atom = ligand.atoms[] pdb_atom.radius = mol2_atom.radius pdb_atom.ffcharge = mol2_atom.charge tot_charge += mol2_atom.charge lig_atoms.append(pdb_atom) except KeyError: err = ( f"Can't find HETATM {} {residue.res_seq} " f"{} in MOL2 file" ) _LOGGER.warning(err) missing_atoms.append(pdb_atom) matched_atoms += lig_atoms total_charge = 0 for residue in biomolecule.residues: charge = residue.charge charge_err = noninteger_charge(charge) if charge_err: _LOGGER.warning( f"Residue {residue} has non-integer charge: {charge_err}" ) total_charge += charge charge_err = noninteger_charge(total_charge) if charge_err: raise ValueError(charge_err) if args.ffout is not None:"Applying custom naming scheme ({args.ffout}).") if args.ffout != args.ff: name_scheme = forcefield.Forcefield(args.ffout, definition, None) else: name_scheme = forcefield_ biomolecule.apply_name_scheme(name_scheme)"Regenerating headers.") reslist, charge = biomolecule.charge if is_cif: header = io.print_pqr_header_cif( missing_atoms, reslist, charge, args.ff, args.pka_method,, args.ffout, include_old_header=args.include_header, ) else: header = io.print_pqr_header( biomolecule.pdblist, missing_atoms, reslist, charge, args.ff, args.pka_method,, args.ffout, include_old_header=args.include_header, )"Regenerating PDB lines.") lines = io.print_biomolecule_atoms(matched_atoms, args.keep_chain) return { "lines": lines, "header": header, "missed_residues": missing_atoms, "pka_df": pka_df, }
[docs]def main_driver(args): """Main driver for running program from the command line. Validate inputs, launch PDB2PQR, handle output. :param args: command-line arguments :type args: argparse.Namespace """ io.setup_logger(args.output_pqr, args.log_level) _LOGGER.debug(f"Invoked with arguments: {args}") print_splash_screen(args)"Checking and transforming input arguments.") args = transform_arguments(args) check_files(args) check_options(args)"Loading topology files.") definition = io.get_definitions()"Loading molecule: {args.input_path}") pdblist, is_cif = io.get_molecule(args.input_path) if args.drop_water:"Dropping water from structure.") pdblist = drop_water(pdblist)"Setting up molecule.") biomolecule, definition, ligand = setup_molecule( pdblist, definition, args.ligand )"Setting termini states for biomolecule chains.") biomolecule.set_termini(args.neutraln, args.neutralc) biomolecule.update_bonds() if args.clean: "Arguments specified cleaning only; skipping remaining steps." ) results = { "header": "", "missed_residues": None, "biomolecule": biomolecule, "lines": io.print_biomolecule_atoms( biomolecule.atoms, args.keep_chain ), "pka_df": None, } else: try: results = non_trivial( args=args, biomolecule=biomolecule, ligand=ligand, definition=definition, is_cif=is_cif, ) except ValueError as err: _LOGGER.critical(err) _LOGGER.critical("Giving up.") raise RuntimeError from err print_pqr( args=args, pqr_lines=results["lines"], header_lines=results["header"], missing_lines=results["missed_residues"], is_cif=is_cif, ) if args.pdb_output: print_pdb( args=args, pdb_lines=io.print_biomolecule_atoms( biomolecule.atoms, chainflag=args.keep_chain, pdbfile=True ), header_lines=results["header"], missing_lines=results["missed_residues"], is_cif=is_cif, ) if args.apbs_input: io.dump_apbs(args.output_pqr, args.apbs_input) return results["missed_residues"], results["pka_df"], biomolecule
[docs]def main(): """Hook for command-line usage.""" parser = build_main_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if main_driver(args) == 1: sys.exit(1)
[docs]def dx_to_cube(): """Convert DX file format to Cube file format. The OpenDX file format is defined at <` and the Cube file format is defined at <>. .. todo:: This function should be moved into the APBS code base. """ desc = f"{TITLE_STR}\ndx2cube: converting OpenDX-format files to " desc += "Gaussian Cube format since (at least) 2015" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument("dx_input", help="name of the dx_input file") parser.add_argument("pqr_input", help="name of the pqr_input file") parser.add_argument("output", help="name of the output file") parser.add_argument( "--log-level", help="set logging level", default="INFO", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], ) args = parser.parse_args() log_level = getattr(logging, args.log_level) logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) _LOGGER.debug(f"Got arguments: {args}", args)"Reading PQR from {args.pqr_input}...") with open(args.pqr_input, "rt") as pqr_file: atom_list = io.read_pqr(pqr_file)"Reading DX from {args.dx_input}...") with open(args.dx_input, "rt") as dx_file: dx_dict = io.read_dx(dx_file)"Writing Cube to {args.output}...") with open(args.output, "wt") as cube_file: io.write_cube(cube_file, dx_dict, atom_list)